Antibiotic to be Discontinued in Organic Apple & Pear Production

 In April, 2013, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) rejected a petition to extend the expiration date for the use of oxytetracycline to treat fire blight in apple and pear production beyond October, 2014.  The decision is a victory for the organic standard and advances efforts to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics.

WitchThe vote came after a long and controversial debate because some apple and pear growers don’t believe they have adequate alternatives to antibiotics. Consumer and environmental advocates urged them to end the use of tetracycline as soon as possible in order to meet consumer expectations and to respond to mounting evidence that antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a serious threat to public health.  Antibiotics aren’t allowed in any other types of organic food, including production of organic livestock.

Organic Connections applauds the Board for making the right decision to end the use of this antibiotic as soon as possible and believes this time line for ending the use of tetracycline is consistent with consumer expectations.  This decision will drive the organic apple and pear market to a higher standard.  Thank God – a small win for those who don’t want to be poisoned to death!

Hope you’re enjoying my online radio shows and shortly you will have lessons on video to watch.  If you have any comments or questions (non-medical) drop me a line:


Are You Still Blaming Your Genetics?

 Family history.  Obesity.  Diabetes.  High Blood Pressure.

ImageThese are some of the more commonly recognized risk factors for heart disease.  But there’s one risk factor you may not know about …  And it has nothing to do with your family genetics. The number-one risk factor for heart disease is high homocysteine levels.

You see, in normal situations, homocysteine is just a harmless amino acid.  But if your levels get too high it can:

  *       Block blood flow by triggering inflammation across your body

*       Damage the lining of your arteries

*       Prevent the dilation of your blood vessels

*       Increase the chance of blood clots

But you have the power to completely get your homocysteine under control.  And help cut your risk of heart disease and extend your life – right now.

One way to know if you’re at risk is by getting your homocysteine levels check with a simple blood test from your doctor.  This test is always included in my basic panel.

Another way to help keep your homocysteine in check and protect yourself from heart disease is to ramp up your levels of vitamin B.  Vitamin B6, B9 (also known as folic acid or folate) and B12 all help to convert homocysteine into methionine, the good guy.

Methionine is one of the building blocks of protein.  And without enough levels of B vitamins in your system, your body can’t convert homocysteine to methionine efficiently.  This can lead to an overload of homocysteine racing through your blood.


            VitaminFood Sources

            B-6: chicken, fish, kidney, liver, eggs, bananas, lima beans walnuts

Folic Acid:beef, lamb, pork, chicken liver, eggs, green leafy

(B-9) Folate: vegetables, salmon

            B-12: lamb, beef, herring, mackerel, liver, oysters, poultry, clams, eggs

If you would like to find out if your normal, low or very-low in any nutrient – check out my individualized HealthTest© – The more you know about your body, the better care you can take.  This is Preventive HealthCare!



Antioxidants are compounds from plant foods, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids, that fight off cell-attacking free radicals, or the unstable molecules your body produces when it’s exposed to environmental toxins. Antioxidants are most concentrated in the skin of fruits and veggies, so look for rich coloured produce, which indicates high antioxidant levels. There are many forms of antioxidants with different effects on your body, so include a variety of fruits and veggies in your diet.

monavieIn fact, the entire superfruit concept is predicated in antioxidant action because these uber-fruits house elevated antioxidant activity. Leaders include acai, pomegranate and mangosteen, but a new wave of exotic fruits is entering the marketplace, from maqui to goji. But that doesn’t mean you should overlook the old standbys like blueberries, raspberries and even apples which, after all, keep the doctor away.

Antioxidants’ health benefits include boosting immunity, slowing the aging process, and fending off serious diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. The antioxidant theory of aging is gaining traction because accelerated aging is linked to free radical generation. Think wrinkles. Think joint pain. That’s the result of the body’s cells oxidizing. Antioxidants can help with that.

Check on my online radio shows by clicking the link at the top of this blog and coming shortly are video shows to help you, help yourselves in your everyday health adventure. Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!™


ADHD-3-295x295An interesting study was performed on children suffering with ADHD . Those children with the condition who also experienced learning difficulties compared to those children with the condition that didn’t display this quality were shown to have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The-Importance-of-Omega-3-for-Children-21Specifically, those children with higher levels of omega-3s had lower levels of anxiety and shyness while also displaying better reading, spelling and attention skills.

Email me : and leave me your comments and suggestions.


Did you know, that dininished platelet stickiness reduces the blood clotting that can lead to heart attack or stroke?
Your body can make the other polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids from alpha linolenic acid (ALA). However, many things can 110interfere with this process including zinc deficiency, alcohol, obesity and aging. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is another omega-3 fatty acid and is integral to brain development in fetuses and infants. The best-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids are cold-water fish, flaxseed, soybean, walnuts and their oils.
To find out if you’re Nutrient Deficient email me: and check out my individualized HealthTest(c) – You can now STOP, The Food & Vitamin Guessing Game!(TM) which is the name of my new book. Hope you’re enjoying my online radio shows and thank s to those of you who have left me comments.
I’m all about helping YOU to: Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY(TM)


FISH OIL & FLAXSEED OIL (polyunsaturated Omega-3 Fatty Acids) – This family begins with alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an “essential” fatty acid (EFA), meaning that your body can’t make it and you MUST obtain it from your DIET. ALA may be converted into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a longer fatty acid that is involved in regulation of inflammatory processes and prevention of platelet “stickiness.”

flaxThe foundation to Feeling Good and Looking Good starts with finding out if and where you may be nutrient deficient and having the right food program so you can become nutrient sufficient. What do I specifically need? You can’t figure this out yourself! But I can. Take the time to visit my website: and check out my individualized HealthTest(c) – Isn’t it time you got to know your own body?

Hope you’re enjoying my online radio shows. If you’ve missed any, they’re archived on my website. Thanks for checking me out and more important, “check your health status out” – this is called: Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!(TM)


circadian_rhythmDid you know – Melatonin is known as a potent antioxidant as well as the hormone responsible for maintaining our circadian rhythm and healthy sleep cycles

As an antioxidant, melatonin was shown to protect cells and their fragile DNA from the damaging effects of both low and high frequeny radiation, according to current research.

Hope you’re enjoying my online radio shows and remember my HealthTest(c) special is only going to be offered until the end of June.  When you visit my website: please leave me your comments and suggestions for future shows.  Thanks!  Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!(TM)


METALS & ALZHEIMER’S – Did you know, that the accumulation of metal ions and associated beta-amyloid plaques in the brain are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Tea_leaves_steeping_in_a_zhong_čaj_05The green tea polyphenolic extract, has been shown to interact with the metal associated plaques decreasing their toxicity and, thereby demonstrating green tea’s possible therapeutic utility in this debilitating condition. As with any tea – organic leaves are what you should be using to achieve benefits.

Remember, new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new online educational radio shows available every Friday. All information is archived on my website: Would love to hear your comments, thoughts, and suggestions for shows.
Remember, your body is YOUR responsibility, so – Invest in it Today, for Tomorrow’s Return of Optimal Good Health!