Childhood Diseases

sick kidAcute inflammations like colds, flus and fevers seem to be an inescapable part of life; everyone experiences them.  Why do we get them?  Many of us have noticed (if not, than our spouses have noticed) that we often come down with a cold or flue when we’re overly dis-stressed or depleted.

If you follow my online weekly radio shows ( you know that the word ‘stress’ has been used incorrectly – let me explain, in case you’re new to blogs.

Stress is a motivator – a good thing

Dis-stress brings on illness, pain, disease and often early death!

We explain this by assuming that dis-stress lowers our resistance to the viruses and bacteria that, we believe, like to attack us and make us sick.  Most of the time we peacefully co-exist with these microbes which are everywhere and share our environment, and if we get sick it’s often because we’ve allowed ourselves to get out of balance.  This applies to children too, but only partially.

cough syrupIn children, studies have shown that respiratory infections increase in frequency from birth until a peak by age 6 followed by a sharp decline after age 7, irrespective of treatment.  In other words, it seems to be a normal feature of childhood to experience a variety of acute inflammation, especially respiratory, in the first 7-years of life.

Prior to the advent of 20th century improvements in sanitation and living standards, children had a high death rate in their first 7 years from these acute inflammations: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and the common unnamed pneumonia’s and diarrheas.Boy Blowing His Nose into a Handkerchief

These have been the greatest threats to children throughout history, and still are in developing countries.

In all modern nations children’s deaths from such acute inflammations have been steeply declining ever since 1900, and over 90% of the decline occurred before the advent of antibiotics and vaccinations.  Polio is an important exception to this pattern.

Just before 1900, when all the other familiar life-threatening children’s illnesses were beginning to decline, the newcomer polio made its first appearance in medical history and continued to grow in importance until its abrupt decline with the advent of the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines in the 1950’s.

In the U.S. today what used to be the common dangerous infections of childhood only account for about 1% of children’s deaths.  In contrast to this, 7% of deaths in U.S. children aged 1-19 are from cancer, 7% are from suicide and a shocking 14% are from homicide.
AsthmaSince 1960 there has been a sharp increase in both the frequency and the severity of asthma in many developed nations.  In the U.S. asthma accounts for 1% of children’s deaths – equal to infections – and is a leading cause of childhood disability.

A growing body of medical research supports the commonsense idea that children who experience frequent infections and inflammations in early childhood will strengthen their immune systems and will be less prone to allergies and asthma then children who rarely experience such infections.

The idea is called “the hygiene hypothesis”.  Research has revealed a list of factors which correlate with a decreased risk of asthma and allergies, including the avoidance of vaccinations and antibiotics and the blessings of growing up in a large family and having farm animals.

If the hygiene hypothesis proves to be correct, it will have a revolutionary impact on medical practice.  We will realize that when children experience their cold and fevers, they’re challenging their immune systems and developing an inner strength which will be theirs throughout life.

illAs with all challenges in childhood, our job as parents and healthcare workers will be to strengthen the child to meet its challenges but not to remove the challenges altogether.  In any case, it’s not possible in the long run to eliminate challenges, but only to replace some kinds of challenges with other kinds.

The blessing of modern medicine is that it has the tools and techniques to ease suffering and save lives when we or our children are in danger of being overwhelmed by illness.

Nevertheless, thwarting or suppressing illness does not automatically create health, though it does grant us or our children the respite to return to health thanks to our body’s natural tendency to heal and to restore balance.

Health and healing are mostly about developing our inner capacities to adapt to change and to maintain balance as we move through life’s journey.

To truly foster the overall health and inner strength of our children, we need to go beyond the short-sighted view of illnesses as hostile aggressors and of children as helpless victims.  Children are individuals.  Each child gets ill in his or her own individual way, and each illness a child gets has a meaningful part to play among the challenges belonging to that child’s life.slider_childhooddiseases

Just like everything else in nature, individual illnesses exist within a larger context of a balances system.  There is an ecology of human illness.  If we attempt to eliminate a single element of am ecological system, we disturb the balance of the whole in ways which can lead to unforeseen consequences.

To these unforeseen consequences belong the dramatic increases in asthma, allergies, diabetes, autism, overweight, obesity and learning dysfunctions occurring in children today.  These result, in part, from modern medicine’s failure to appreciate where the balance lies in health and illness, and from its failure to grasp that when you push down on one side of the balance, the other side goes up!

Our present effort to eradicate acute infectious diseases in children through increasing numbers of vaccines has already long overshot the healthy balance point, and is now helping to create in developed nations more chronic disease and disability in children than ever before.

kid wbearTo improve public health, health policy needs to shift it’s focus from eradicating particular diseases to improving the social conditions which breed disease, and physicians need to learn how to help  individual patients maintain balance in body, soul and spirit throughout their lives.

If we, as health care practitioners learn that, and if we apply it to ourselves as well, then the overall health of our society cannot help but improve.  I know some are reading this and saying – Dr. Henry, you are so idealistic.  I know, but I believe if each of us start to take a good look at just our own lives and that of our family, we can start to make a difference, little by little.  I see the changes every day in my practice when I start to teach my patients better shopping and cooking methods, little by little they get excited and everyone in their family benefits – how great is that?

How can you continue to feed your children chemicals, toxins, pesticides, poor water, etc. and expect them to be and stay well.  Look around today at your family health issues – perhaps it’s not too late to change things around in your home.  Your kids deserve to live a full, healthy, happy life, not become another prescription drug addict!

Dr. Rhonda

Do start to –

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!



Email inquiries:        

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120











gutsGet rid of fructose to lose your gut and your colitis!

Arguably, the chief villain that keeps your gut big, also packs your liver with fat, and keeps your bowels inflamed, is the simple sugar fructose.  It is found in nature in small amounts in fruits and vegetables.  In this form, and in small amount, it is actually beneficial.  It also occurs naturally, but in large amount, in honey.  If you have a big gut, fatty liver, colitis, or Crohn’s disease, you will have to avoid the fructose in honey altogether.

A couple centuries ago, we learned how to use sugarcane, which is half glucose and have fructose, as a sweetening agent.  But more recently, commercial food interests and food processors have developed a way to produce sweet syrups from corn, as in corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).  The fructose content of the HFCS used to sweeten soft drinks, sodas, and commercially sweetened products, such as puddings, can be as high as 90%!

colitisHFCS is used in most processed and fast foods.  It is primarily HFCS that has caused a skyrocketing increase in the amount of sweeteners Americans consume, and thus a huge increase in the intake of fructose in the last 20-30 years.  In fact, Americans now consume, on average, close to 75 pounds of fructose annually, or more than 90 grams a day!  That is the equivalent of 15 cups of sliced carrots, or 24 peaches!  A healthy diet consists of 5-15 grams of fructose daily.

Fructose is so deadly because it bypasses the normal digestive processes and is quickly turned to fat and stored in your liver and gut.  And as stated, Americans now consume huge amounts of fructose daily in the form of sodas, soft drinks, ice cream, cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, candies, puddings, store-bought salad dressings, and even ketchup.  And it’s this deadly increase in fructose that is a main cause of abdominal obesity (a fat gut), diabetes, and a fatty liver.

Aside from causing these problems, we have recently discovered that fructose is also a major colon (gut) irritant.  In fact, many (or even most) colitis and Crohn’s sufferers can achieve long-term relief from their inflamed guts simply by eliminating fructose in the form of HFCS and honey from their diet.Ulcerative-Colitis

So if you suffer with abdominal obesity, a fatty liver, diabetes or insulin resistance, or any form of colitis, eliminate HFCS from your life.  And keep the natural fructose intake down also.  Eliminate honey.  And avoid high fructose fruits like tropical fruits and bananas.  That leaves you with plenty of fruits, including all the berries, melons, citrus, peaches, pears, apples, plums, nectarines, cherries, apricots, and more.  Even large servings of these will only amount to 5-7 grams per day, and the fructose in fruits is absorbed slowly as nature intended.

colorectal-cancer-smHFCS is a boon to the processed and fast food industries.  It has lined our shelves with dead, disease-causing non-foods, many of which would not spoil or rot for months or years!  However, it’s not something that the human body is designed to eat, digest, or metabolize.  It’s a struggle to digest HFCS and it’s a major cause of the fat gut, fatty liver, diabetes, colitis, and endless suffering from chronic inflammation.  Just avoid it altogether!

You should check out my HealthTest© – it can be a great tool to let you know where you’re nutrient deficient, and to make your life real easy, I design a personalized food program from the answers you leave with me.   Easy!  No counting calories, fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, etc., I’ll do it all for you.  Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or just want to know how to eat for your specific needs – this copy written, scientifically proven, individually designed test will be the best investment you can make for yourself.

—Dr. Rhonda—


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It’s  time that you started –

Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY! TM





Risks in YOUR Home!

Are invisible mold, spores in YOUR home? Airborne_Mold_SporesThey Could Increase Your Risk of Multiple Allergies

Fungal spores common in the air we breathe daily may increase children’s risk of multiple allergies, according to a study by University of Cincinnati researchers.

Infants who were exposed to basidiospores and the fungal spores Penicillium/aspergillus and alternaria in the air early in life had an increased risk of developing allergies later in life.

The children had an increased risk of allergy to:Pet Dander

  •             *          Mold
  •             *          Pollen
  •             *          Pet dander
  •             *          Certain foods

Fungus grows by releasing reproductive cells, or spores, into the air, and mold is a type of fungus.  While previous allergy studies have focused on visible mold, this study is unique in that it focused on invisible airborne spores.

Mold grows in moist environments, including wood, drywall and cement.  If mold is in your home, the researchers recommended resolving any moisture issues (roof or plumbing leaks, etc.) and following the Environmental Protection Agency’s guidelines for mold removal.

Asthma StoryIn addition to the development of multiple allergies, many other health conditions can also be attributed to molds and mold spores, both in children and adults.

Sadly, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, asthma affects more than 4.8 million children in the United States, making it the most common serious disease among children.

Many research studies have confirmed that home exposure to molds can increase asthma and wheezing incidence in both children and adults.

And back in 2004, I reported on a research study that demonstrated that chronic sinusitis is actually an immune disorder caused by airborne fungus.

asthma3At a 2003 environmental medicine symposium in Dallas, studies of more than 1,600 patients suffering health issues related to fungal exposure were presented.
These problems included muscle and joint pain, fatigue, headache, GI problems, shortness of breath, anxiety and depression, vision problems, memory loss and many more.

Some molds produce toxic substances called mycotoxins .  For example, the dangerous airborne mycotoxin from a slimy black mold called Stachybotrys has been associated with numerous lawsuits and insurance claims related to toxic houses or “sick building syndrome” and associated medical problems. (Serious home mycotoxin invasion requires professional removal or rededication.)

Since molds can grow on any moist surface in your home, the high humidity of the summer season signals increased mold growth and more health problems – for your entire family.

ctsinusitisAlong with obvious places such as shower stalls, air conditioners and damp basements, there can be many hidden sources of mold in your home.  Particularly if you have had plumbing problems or leaks in your roof, mold may grow and release spores from places such as drywall, carpet or padding, even wood.

Mold spores are very difficult to destroy, even with cleaning agents such as hot water or bleach (which is itself toxic).  The best way to reduce the problem is through smart preventive measures.mycotoxins

 Hands-down, the most effective and simple overall solution to fight all the sources of mold in your home is to use a superior-quality air purifier.  Unfortunately, this can be a very confusing area to discern which one might be best for you.  Read the research and/or call your local environmental agency.  I use air purifiers in my home and office, daily.

I hope this information has been a blessing to you and yours and I’m believing that many reading this and/or sharing this information will be helped – send me an email with your personal story and success.

Until we meet again – never forget that it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and be an example to those around you – which is all about –

          Have you checked out any of my online shows? 

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda


Email inquiries:

Las Vegas Office: 702-269-8120    




Even a mild level of iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with adverse effects on the resulting child’s cognitive development, according to a study of 1040 mothers and their offspring in the United Kingdom.

20130130172235_IntelligentKidScientist389x271Iodine, linked to the production of thyroid hormones, is known to be essential for a healthy fetal brain and neurological development, and the World Health Organization (WHO) in fact refers to its deficiency as “the single most important preventable cause of brain damage worldwide.”iodinesafe_image

While the WHO warning refers largely to severe deficiency, the new study, published in Lancet, shows that even mild iodine deficiency in utero is linked to lower IQ and suboptimal reading ability in children.

“Women should be aware of the need for an adequate iodine intake in pregnancy – requirements almost double at this life stage,” said senior author Margaret Rayman, Dphil, codirector of the Nutritional Medicine MSc Program at the University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom.

iodine-legend“Our sizable study adds to the sparse scientific literature describing the possible in utero effects of mild to moderate iodine deficiency,” she and her colleagues write.  “We have shown that risk of suboptimum cognitive scores in children is not confined to mothers with very low iodine status … but that iodine -to-creatine ratios that would suggest mild to moderate deficiency are also associated with heightened risk.”

What I have found strange for years is that mos allopathic doctor don’t even think of testing their patient’s iodine.  I’ve been automatically testing iodine for many years and more often than not, it’s low.  Actually, I give all my patient’s a home test so that they can test their thyroid and iodine at home.  I work in partnership with my patient’s, we need to work together to get the picture just right!

First Trimester is Key Stage for Adequate Iodine Intake:

Recently, doctors writing in Thyroid have drawn attention to the fact that iodine deficiency is still a problem in much of the world, including the United States.  Finally, they may be getting it!iodine4a

For this study, led by Sarah C. Bath, PhD, from the University of Surrey, the researchers evaluated mother-child pairs from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort, focusing on urinary iodine concentration, as well as creatinine to correct for urine volume, among the stored samples from 1050 first-trimester, as well as a measure of IQ for the offspring at 8 years of age.

The group as a whole was found to have mild to moderate iodine deficiency, with a median urinary concentration of 9l.l ug/L (iodine/creatine ratio 110 ug/g.

Based on WHO guidelines on recommended concentrations of iodine during pregnancy, the researchers classified iodine/creatine ratios of less than 150up/g as being iodine deficient and a ratio of 150 ug/g or more as iodine sufficient.

After adjustment for 21 socioeconomic, parental, and child factors, including parental education and breast-feeding, the researchers found women with iodine/creatinine ratios of less than 150 ug/g were more likely to have children with scores in the lowest quartile for verbal IQ.

The children’s scores worsened when the deficient group (less than 150 ug/g) was further divided into 50 to 150 ug/g and less than 50 ug/g.

“Our study is the first to show an association between mild to moderate maternal iodine deficiency in UK pregnant women and impaired cognitive outcomes in their children at ages 8 to 9 years.  Iodine deficiency in pregnant women in the UK should be treated as an important public-health issue that needs attention,” Dr. Bath and colleagues assert.  And I so do agree!

According to WHO guidelines, pregnant and breast-feeding women are recommended an intake of 50 ug of iodine per day, compared with the recommendation of 150 ug for adults who are not pregnant.  “Women of childbearing age and especially those planning a pregnancy should enter pregnancy with good iodine stores in the thyroid from a diet rich in iodine sources prior to pregnancy.  It’s likely that the most important time to have good iodine intake is the first trimester.” noted Dr. Rayman.

 Eat Wild Seafood, Drink Organic Milk, and Avoid Kelp Supplements:

iodine nerdThe authors note that previous research has linked low maternal seafood intake with low verbal IQ scores in children, which supports their findings because seafood has high iodine content.  However, at lest 1 prior study has suggested that the effects of seafood in pregnancy on child cognition may be due to long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in fish.  To investigate this, they adjusted for such fatty acids in this new study; this made no difference to their findings, however.  They concluded that the fatty acids “are unlikely to be solely responsible for the effects of seafood on brain development.”

What’s so sad is that the food that most of us were brought up on are not the same foods we are given today.  If you’re interested in this subject may I suggest you check out some of my online radio show – you will be educated and aware for sure!

Seafood that used to be great sources of iodine like: clams shrimp oysters, etc. are full of parasites, And lets not forget the radioactive materials that Japan has put into our oceans.  Buy and eat only “wild” fish.  Yes I know some of you are saying, does she mean tuna in the can also?  Yes friends, tuna in the can is full of mercury.  Remember, I’m only the messenger!Iodinechild2

Foods like eggs, milk, cheese, cream cottage cheese, beef liver, lamb beef, pineapple, peanuts, whole wheat bread, lettuce, spinach, green peppers, etc.  All used to be great sources, but no more!

Salt – vital to life –  blood pressure or no blood pressure!  Shock! Shock! Shock!  I know, but I’m telling you the truth.  The original salt that we had years ago had all the natural minerals included.  And NO, those varied ‘sea salt’ on the grocery shelf are poison.  You want and need salt and the only one I use and recommend is Celtic Salt.

brain-stock_620x350Well I could go on and on, but I don’t want to just give you a blog/newsletter and try to selling a 6-month supply of supplements – not my style.  What I want each and every person to do is to STOP, buying products that you don’t know if you really need them, what you need to take with them, what foods may interact with them, and how much to take for your specific weight, etc.

That’s why I practice nutritional science.   

Know what you need and the easiest way is to take my copywriten HealthTest – it will give you the answers you need to know:

*       Am I nutrient deficient?

*       Which ones am I low or very-low in?

*       How do I adjust my food plan to increase the correct foods?

*       Will I get a personalized food program?

*       Will I find out how to purchase the right supplements in the right balance?

*       Will this help me to lose weight?

*       And so much more…. check out my website.


Parents have to get their body in balance and usually when Mom and Dad are on the right program for them – the kids will shine in every way!


This is what my goal is, to help you all –

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda


Dr. Rhonda Henry

Doctor of Nutritional Science

Certified Traditional Chinese Practitioners

Specializing in

Preventive & Alternative HealthCare – NATURALLY!


Temporary website:

Email inquiries:       

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120


College Footballers:

concussionjpgIncidents of concentrated exertion could raise blood pressure.

 A recent study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation has found that college football players are at risk of developing high blood pressure.

A previous study of competitive rowers at Harvard University didn’t find a connection, but this may be due to the nature of the sports, like football, that involve periodic episodes of intense exertion.

While limited in its scope, the study conducted by the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, found that more than half of all first-year football players at a certain university developed high blood pressure by the end of the playing season.

Increased blood pressure was especially associated with a family history of hypertension, rapid weight-gain during the season, and playing in lineman positions.

Researchers documented higher blood pressure levels among 113 first year – that’s a 47% of players were considered pre-hypertensive and 14% had indicated worsening heart health.  In this study left ventricle thickening was observed in endurance athletes and was significantly greater among lineman.High_Blood_Pressure_Illustration

The study’s senior investigator, Aaron L. Baggish, M.D. associate director’s aim is not to scare players, but to stress that “early and careful monitoring may improve their heart health later in life.”  That seems to be a word for the wise!

As you who have been following me either through my blogs or online radio shows, I don’t give this time, energy and my knowledge to feed me, or to sell you the so-called latest and greatest product of the week.  No, not my style – what I want each and every one of you to do is to find out where you may be nutrients deficient – understand those deficiencies – and start then by eating to live (I prepare you personalized food program), rather than to think it doesn’t matter and just keep eating the junk the manufacturers and drug dealers suggest.  Stop buying until you KNOW – what you need – would you go to a dentist for a heart condition?  Of course not.

Take some time to think about you and how you’re feeling and how much money you’re spending on what you “think” you know – like your now a health scientist.  Stop it and find out what you need.  Doesn’t that make sense?


All I’m doing today and everyday is trying to help you to – Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health -TODAY!   

(What a concept!)

Dr. Rhonda




Office:       702-269-8120


Stop abuse0Severe abuse suffered by girls during childhood may be linked to a subsequent food addition, new research suggest.

 As a fat kid, who became an obese 311 pounder, this isn’t the place,, to share, but I personally can attest to this and I’ve worked with hundreds in the same boar – and now they think or suggest – really!   If you’re suffering at any age, do check out some of my online shows, I’m very transparent, there are enough so-called experts out there who just write – yes, I write, but in each of my shows, less the male issues, I share some of what I’ve gone through and I do this to let you know that I care because I understand ‘hell.’sad_little

The month of April, which is my birthday the 7th, but I have a re-birthday and that’s January 6thThat’s the day I finally figured out I was worth living and I would do it as the song says – “My Weigh” and I have and will continue to be an advocate for those who have nobody.

Now to tell you what all the expensive grants have told them is – that analysis of more than 57,000 women who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study 11 (NHSII) showed that those who experienced physical or sexual abuse as children and/or adolescents were twice as likely to have a current food addiction as the women who didn’t suffer past abuse.

food addictThe risk for food addiction was even greater for the women who had experienced both physical and sexual abuse.  OK ladies, I guess this is time for us to have a club and write our experiences.

Although the investigators note that these results need to be replicated (I’m not volunteering, are you?), before a causal link can be definitively stated, they write that it is important for clinicians to work toward decreasing the risk for serious overeating in women with a history of abuse.

Get this………………….

For example, those “who show a propensity toward uncontrolled eating could potentially be referred to prevention programs,” whereas women who are obese might be screened for early trauma to address any psychological impediments to weight loss, said lead author Susan M Mason, PhD, (wonder how much she weighs?), from the Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, in a release.

It’s always amazed me that all these so-called experts have no life experience in any of these research programs, but I guess fat can be security for grant money for years to come.  For those who follow my shows, you’re not surprised, but for those who don’t – this is me!Stop abuse

Here we go again…………………

“Of course, preventing childhood abuse in the first place would be the best strategy of all, but in the absence of a perfect child abuse prevention strategy, it is important that we try to head off its negative long-term health consequences,” added Dr. Mason.

OK, maybe there’s hope, the researches are going to move into the recipients homes for a long period of time and see reality?  Just still hoping……

Would you believe (yes you would), this study was published online in Obesity in May.

Moving on – Beyond Comfort Food

According to the researchers, more than one third of all women in the United States experienced some form of abuse before their 18th birthday.

Although previous research has shown an association between childhood abuse and adulthood obesity, possibly because stress (stress is a motivator, dis-stress brings on pain, illness, disease and early death – check out my shows), may lead to the overeating of so-called “comfort foods,” the current investigators sought to examine whether early abuse could increase the risk of a later food addiction.   Let’s continue….

childhood-abuse1They examined data on 57,321 female participants in the NHSII who were asked about past abuse and current food addiction.  The latter was defined in the study as 3 or more “clinically significant symptoms on a modified version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale,”

Results showed that 8.2% of all the women assessed met the clinical criteria for food addiction.  In addition, 8.5% reported experiencing severe physical abuse as children or adolescents, and 5.3% reported repeated experiences of forced sexual activity.

Both type of abuse “were associated with roughly 90% increases in food addiction risk,” reported the investigators.

 Long-Term Effects of Abuse:

“Our large cohort allowed us to conduct in-depth examinations of the associations between the type and timing of child abuse and food addiction, a measure of uncontrolled eating reported by 8% of our simplified,” write the researchers.

However, the study had several limitation.  These included that the timing of the onset of food addiction symptoms could not be ascertained, which would have clearly shown that he abuse happened first, and that the study participants wee primarily white – so the results may not be generizable to the entire US population.  The researchers also relied on the women’s self-reports of child and adolescent abuse, which could no be validated.

Stop abuse5Nevertheless, the findings add to “accumulating evidence of the importance of stress (again it should be called dis-stress), in the etiology of some obesity phenotypes, and may help to inform the development of weight-loss regimens for women with abuse histories,” write the investigators.

“Our study also contributes to a growing body of literature documenting widespread and long-lasting mental and physical health repercussions of child abuse, which help to clarify the true societal costs of child maltreatment and the lend urgency to abuse prevention efforts.”

They add that future research should “further articulate the pathways from abuse to weight gain,” to help identify crucial points of childhood-abuse0vulnerability and to better assist with both prevention and treatment.

This study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.  The study authors have reported no relevant financial relationships – whatever that may mean in the real world!

So, let me offer myself as a person who has been there and done that and has worked with, well I really don’t know how many – but you guys are wasting the grant money, as I’m sure some of you realize.  You don’t have a clue!  You can’t understand the women involved in your test tubes!  And I’ve been though it myself, so if you’re reading this, get in touch and we can have a real talk about the real issues and the real answers which you can’t get the way your trying to, hopefully, in good faith!

As those who know me know, I don’t often just use research which you can’t access, but this is obviously a heart issue for me and I would like to have some feedback.  What they didn’t consider or ask – how is Mom’s issues of eating affecting her family – why would one ask such a sensible question?  Don’t ask me!

My goal is to give you information and fact when I have them so that you know I’m just wanting to help you to –

            Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!™ Dr. Rhonda




Office:                   702-269-8120


These survival tips can help you cope, even on the most difficult days.Parenting a child with ADHD can be stressful.fkids

 Another morning, another scene: Your child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) won’t brush his teeth, get dressed, or at breakfast, and the school bus comes in 15 minutes.  Your meeting starts in an hour, and you have a 30-minute commute.

It’s an understatement to say that, at times, life can be a challenge when you have a child with ADHD.  On top of this, parents often blame themselves for their child’s impulsive, aggressive behaviours.

In the stress (it’s really dis-stress) of the moment, it can be easy to overreact, but lashing out at your child or blaming yourself helps no one, says Billi Bittan, PhD, an ADHD coach and therapist in private practice in Tarzana, Calif.   Parents need to take care of themselves first to be able to help a child with ADHD.  “Like the fight attendant says: Put the oxygen mask on yourself first and help your child,” Brittan advises.

adhd-and-teens7 Survival Tips to Help You Cope:

 Here’s how you can help yourself cope, even on the most difficult days:

    1.      Learn as much as you can about ADHD:

The more you know about ADHD, the better you can deal with your child’s behavior and help her to succeed in life.  You will feel empowered if you know what to do in various situations, especially when your child acts out.  Resources about on the Internet and in bookstores. Write down your questions and take them to your child’s next doctor or counselor appointment.

   2.      Don’t think you have to do it alone:

Seek professional help, especially if you’re feeling depressed and frustrated or exhausted by your parenting responsibilities.  Join a support group for parents of children with ADHD.  Sharing ideas and listening to others have a support group in your area, think about starting one or join one online.

   fkids11 3.      Stay calm:

Remember that even when you’re having difficulty controlling your child’s behavior, you can still control your own.  Getting frustrated and angry when your child doesn’t listen or is forgetful won’t help.  It will likely only make maters worse.  You’re child’s role model Bittan says, so act the way you would like her to act.

   4.      Schedule “me” time:fkids8sorry

You need to pay attention to your health, both physical and mental, to be better able to take care of your child.  You can’t take care of your child if you’re sick, Bittan says.  Take time each day to do a favorite activity, whether that’s reading a book, doing yoga, or talking on the phone.  Eat right, exercise, and manage your stress.  Taking advantage of my individualized HealthTest©  to make sure you’re not nutrient deficient which can certainly affect your emotions, may be the best first step in taking care of YOU!

   5.      Focus on the positives:

Make a list of all the things that are positive, valuable, and unique about your son or daughter.  The more you believe that your child can learn and succeed, the more likely it will be to happen.  Think about this list every morning when you wake up, and you will start your day with a smile.

Again, if you’re nutrient deficient you can cope so much better.  I would also suggest that you start journaling – get out all the yuck of each day – make this part of your health program – it was one of the best things I learnt to do and still do it today.

6.      Have realistic expectations:

If you set high expectations that your child won’t be able to achieve, you’re seeing him – and yourself – up for failure.  “You wouldn’t ask a child in a wheelchair to climb the stairs to his room,” says Bittan.  Know your child’s limitations and don’t expect the impossible.  “You can raise the bar,” she explains, “but do it slowly and be sure to celebrate the achievements your child makes along the way together.”fkids4

   7.      Simplify your life:

As a parent of a child with ADHD, you automatically have a lot on your plate.  Don’t agree to take on more outside duties than you can handle.  If you limit your commitments, you won’t feel as harried and will be better able to concentrate on what’s important for your child.

While parenting a child with ADHD can be dis-stressful, focusing on the positives, seeking support from others, and taking care of yourself can make your job easier and more rewarding.

I believe that the most important thing you can start to do immediately which will make incredible changes is to change your household food plan.  For more information check out my blog yesterday and when you get your own HealthTest© report you personal food program can become applicable to the whole family – how great is this offering?

adhd_8For all parents who are dealing with ADD and ADHD, first let me tell you how proud I am of you for having to learn how to make your life right for you both Mom and Dad, and maybe even a brother or sister – when you do it together the rewards will be seen by all of you, and the benefits will be the rewards of how you’ve changed – when you see your child living better – which of course benefits everyone.

I hope these last two days have given those who are dealing with these issues some hope and a road for more answers.  This is all and always about –

Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda




Office:                   702-269-8120


fkids3Children with poor behaviour control and reading skills had lower omega-3 levels.

By now, most people know that developing brains and eyes need the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid known as DNA.

The most critical period for DHA’s impact on brain development occurs before birth, when the fetus gets this brainy omega-3 via the umbilical cord.

But a series of clinical studies from Britain’s University of Oxford suggest that young children continue to gain brain benefits from dietary DNA … whether from fish or supplements.

Now, another study from Oxford adds weight to the idea that omega-3s keep helping kids’ brains, well into childhood.

The new study focused on schoolchildren with below-average reading ability, and compared their omega-3 blood levels to standard measures of cognition (reading ability and memory), behaviour, and emotional health.

And the UK team’s results affirm prior indications that omega-3 DHA blood levels can affect cognition and behaviour in schoolchildren.fkids18

Many of the best studies came from Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention (CEBI), and most of those were led by Alex Richardson, Ph.D. … with psychiatrist Joseph Hibbeln, M.D. of the U.S. NIH playing a key role.

Three years ago, they covered the outcomes of an earlier study conducted by scientists from Oxford’s CEBI.


UK study affirms the value of omega-3s to younger schoolchildren.
The CEBI researchers examined blood from 493 children aged 7 to 9 years, all of whom had below average reading performance.

They tested the kid’s blood to determine its proportions of the two key omega-3s, DHA and EPA.  (Of the two, DHA is much more important to brain function, while EPA appears to contribute to healthy behaviour control.)

The current medical consensus holds that a minimum percent of the fatty acids in human red blood cells should be omega-3s, in order to enable and promote optimal cardiovascular and heart health.fkids17

This measure is called the “omega-3 index”, and physicians increasingly view 8% as the minimum proportion of omega-3s needed in red blood cells to enable optimal heart, brain, and overall health, with 12% being optimal.

Reading ability, “working” memory capacity, behaviour control (ADHD-type symptoms), and emotional stability were also assessed in the 493 participating children, using standard tests.

fkids19The test results were adjusted to account for the impacts of factors known to affect learning and behaviour, such as household income, gender, consumption of fish and omega-3s, and use of medications for ADHD or other condition.

The UK team compared the children’s omega-3 levels to their learning and behaviour scores, with dismaying results:

   *       Lower DHA levels were linked to poorer reading ability and working memory performance.

   *       Lower DHA levels were linked to higher levels of oppositional behaviour and emotional lability.

*       Omega-3 DHA and EPA levels were only 1.9% and 0.55% of total blood fatty acids, respectively, with DHA showing more individual variation.

As the authors wrote, “In these health UK children with below average reading ability, concentrations of DHA and other Omega-3s were low … and directly related to measures of cognition and behaviour.  These … suggest the benefits from dietary supplementation with omega-3s (previously) found for ADHD, dyspraxis, dyslexia, and related conditions might extend to the general school population.”fkids15

While noted the need for controlled clinical trials to confirm the connection, they’ve already conducted one such study (“Slow-Reading Kids Aided by Omega-3s”), and they urged parents to ensure that kids get enough omega-3s: “… meanwhile, the low blood omega-3 status found across this sample would indicate that an increased dietary intake might be beneficial on general health grounds.”

omega_3The very low omega-3 levels found in the new CEBI study was disturbingly low, given that DHA is critical for normal brain and nervous system development.

In fact, it seems sadly unsurprising that children so sorely lacking in omega-3s would under-perform in school and suffer behavioural and emotional problems.

There is much research available on this subject but I believe all you parents, grandparents, and family friends have an obligation to make sure everyone reads this material.

And when you’re purchasing Omega-3s, make sure that they are organic.  If you’re unsure of how and what to buy, just let me know and I’ll turn you on the natural, bioidentical supplements.

Products to Consider

#1021 –  For Pregnant or Nursing Women

Lemon Flavor – DHA Omega

#1020 – EPA DHA Omega-3 Liquid

Hope these articles are helping you all and this is certainly another step in –

Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda




Office:                   702-269-8120