4 Benefits of Vitamin B-6


1.      Before you have that surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, try the active form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or P5P), 50 milligrams, 2 to 3 times daily.  Although it doesn’t work every time, it does work in better than half the cases – so give it 3 to 4 months before giving up.

 2.      Vitamin B-6 will get rid of “trigger finger” every time, as it has for the last 30 or so years since I learned about this treatment from Dr. John Ellis.  Use for 3 to 4 months minimum.

3.      Men:   Does your wife have PMS?  Have her take vitamin B-6 in amounts of 50 to 200 milligrams daily, it can be a major  relief for both of you!  Once again the P5P form may work better.


4.      Years ago, Harvard researchers demonstrated that a tiny amount of vitamin B-6, 10 milligrams daily, along with 100 milligrams of magnesium daily could cut calcium oxalate kidney stone incidence by over 90%.

These  2 nutrients should be in most well-made multi-vitamin and minerals!  That means not synthetic, but use only natural bioidentical products.  At it is always best to use a B-Complex which is complete.


Dr. Rhonda

If you need help, just contact me, as follows:

Temporary website:          www.drhenry.com

Email inquiries:                 contact@drhenry.com

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120

Multivitamin Necessity!


“Don’t stop taking your multivitamin.”

That’s the simple advice offered by board-certified family practitioner David dr_brownstein_photoBrownstein, M.D. in the wake of heavily publicized recent studies that concluded a daily multivitamin doesn’t have health benefits.

Of course we are all smart enough to figure out who is paying for the research, because it’s hurting their bottom line.   But I have good news and that is that:

After carefully reviewing the studies, Dr. Brownstein, one of the nation’s top practitioners of holistic medicine, concluded that they aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

“I have been practicing medicine for more than 20 years, and I can assure you I have never seen a patient harmed by taking multivitamins,” says Dr. Brownstein.  “However, I have had many patients harmed from FDA-approved drugs.best-multivitamins-photo

“In the first place, one of the studies used a very low potency vitamins – so low that I don’t expect anyone would think that they could help anything.  Second, most of the multivitamins used I the studies were cheap synthetics, not natural vitamins.  Inexpensive vitamins are made with synthetics, and many of the substances are made from petrochemicals, which provide a sub optimal response and can even be dangerous.”

A study to determine the usefulness of multivitamins in cardiovascular disease was riddled with problems that made its findings useless, in Dr. Brownstein’s opinion.  “Half of the people stopped taking the vitamins during the study,” he said.  “That, in and of itself, negates it.  Even so, they still found an 11% decrease in cardiovascular risk – it just didn’t meet their criteria for statistics significance.”

Herbal_Balance_MultiVitamin_FactsThe recent studies supposedly debunking the value of multivitamins were released less than 2 weeks after a Harvard study showed a multivitamin combined with selenium slowed deterioration in AIDS patients.  In fact, the scientists labeled their results “groundbreaking,” adding that multivitamins could save a lot of lives at a small price.  Another 2012 Harvard study found that multivitamins reduced cancer risk in older men.

Although the best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs is through a healthy diet, the typical diet lacks essential nutrients, according to Dr. Brownstein, and of course you’ve heard me say this on my online radio shows and in articles.  “I check my patients for nutritional imbalances, and the vast majority of patients, both sick and well, have nutritional deficiencies.”  And that is absolutely true also in my practice and others of like mind.multivitamin

One of the answers is a daily multivitamin, but choosing the right one is essential.

“Not all multivitamins are created equal,” he says.  “There are many inferior vitamins.


“It’s bet to enlist the help of a healthcare practitioner who can guide you and test you and adjust your supplements depending on what you need.”  If you don’t want to visit me, just order my HealthTest© and you can easily complete your testing at home.  Check it out on my website:

shrink raphttp://www.drhenry.com.   We aren’t one-size-fits-all, so you must find out what your individual body needs are.

When looking for a good multivitamin, Dr. Brownstein suggests the following and I agree:

*       Choose a natural supplement that contains natural, bioidentical versions of nutrients.

*       Choose multivitamins that contain vitamin D3 – cholecalciferol.

The synthetic form of vitamin D is D2 or ergocalciferol – not good!

*       Be sure to choose vitamins containing natural vitamin B-12 – labeled as hydroxy-, methyl-, or adenosylcobalamin.

Synthetic vitamin B-12 is listed as cyanocobalamin.

This will not be an issue if you order my individualized HealthTest©, because not only will you find out where you are normal, low or very-low in each nutrients, but you will get a clear understanding of each deficiency, plus a list of foods in that category.

If that’s not enough – receive a personally designed food program based on the answers to the questions you submitted.  No counting calories, carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, etc., I do all that for you.  What could be easier?

My heart is to educate you, and give you proper health tools to help you, help yourselves.

Dr. Rhonda

Hoping that you’ve started to

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!


Temporary website:          www.drhenry.com

Email inquiries:                 contact@drhenry.com

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120



Zinc is an important mineral in blood physiology and biochemistry.  It’s essential in the formation of blood clots, blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, and its deficiency could have a detrimental effect on this important aspect of human physiology.fibrinolysis (1)

Products you may want to consider:             contact@drhenry.com for availability.

#N342    Zinc

#897       Zinc Lozenges



Study subjects who were diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD were shown to experience significant improvements in certain parameters of the disease when supplemented with both vitamin E and the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so if this is you – give it a try!

Products you may want to consider:             contact@drhenry.com for availability.

#798       E-Toco 400

#872       Alpha Lipoic Acid



1003xx_amyloid_fibrillen_lUse of vitamin D enhanced this efflux of beta amyloid proteins through the blood brain barrier.  These proteins are complexes thought to be responsible for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Products you may want to consider:             contact@drhenry.com for availability.

#715       Vitamin D, 1,000 IU

#470       Vitamin D, 5,000 IU

Label GMOs!


gmo-food-pesticidesWe’re at a tipping point in the fight to label GMOs and prevent the
overuse of their toxic herbicides. We need you to join us in the march
to victory!

gmo food
View and share our new video Demon
 It’s the story of glyphosate-resistant weeds, a GMO
herbicide, and the negative effects on the environment and human health.

cartoon_fda_gmoIt’s more important than ever for you to take action! Increased use
of GMO crops is causing the herbicide glyphosate (an ingredient in
Monsanto’s Roundup) to be used in massive amounts. ANH-USA’s newest
report shows that increased use of glyphosate can damage our
environment, our economy, the livelihood of American farmers,
and especially our health.


Rat-Tumor-Monsanto-GMO-Cancer-Study-3-WideYou deserve to know what’s in your food, and what kind of farming
practices your purchases support.

Take action now!

  • View and share our new video Demon

  • Visit www.ANH-USA.org/gmo to
    take action and view our reports. They will give you the real
    information about GMOs you deserve.


Please take action today—there’s no time to lose.  Our health depends on

80 percent GMO

Tell your elected officals remove
this GMO herbicide!



Sign up for important updates!

gmo-2GMO-Monsanto gmogmo-cartoon1






Individuals suffering with diabetes are at greater risk of developing peripheral neuropathy when they are simultaneously deficient in vitamin D compared to those diabetic patients who don’t have low levels of the sunshine vitamin.

Products to consider:                                        Contact@drhenry.com for availability.

#715       Vitamin D 1,000 IU

#470       Vitamin D 5,000 IU



Lack of Folic Acid Linked to Behavioral Problems in Children:

folic acid and kids 

Folate deficiency during pregnancy may be associated with an increase in behavioral problems later in a child’s life while on the other hand, supplementation early in pregnancy may significantly reduce this risk.

Products you may consider:                            contact@drhenry.com for more information

#465       Methyl Folate

#868       Folic Acid

#970       Glycoplex


Did you know that over 20 years ago, a review of a series of studies concluded that Lithium could reduce the urge to over-consume alcohol as  well as the number of hospitalizations due to alcoholism.  The review also found that lithium could stablilize emotional control (depression in women, aggressive behaviour in men) when used regularly.

Even though these studies used higher quantities of lithium, alcohoics and families of alcoholics have said they’ve experienced the same benefits with quantities of lithium 40 milligrams daily or under.

Hope your enjoying my online radio shows – Understand the Disease of Diabestes will lbe next. Leave your comments or questions.  Always remember to:

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!