30 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

“People with diabetes are 3 times more likely to have high blood pressure than people without diabetes.  A recent study found that about 71% of people with diabetes have high blood pressure.  Hypertension often goes unnoticed and leads to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.”
American Diabetes Association

Why wouldn’t your allopathic doctor know this and check patient’s appropriately?

obesity1.     Watch Your Weight:

In overweight people, a 10% reduction in total body weight will sometimes normalize blood pressure.

2.      Get Physical:

Go for a brisk 30 minute walk 6 days a week.

3.      Blood Sugar:

Diabetics who control their blood sugar reduce hypertension risk.

4.      Reduce Stress:

Try yoga, meditation, massage or talking to a supportive positive friend.

cancersmoke5.      Butt Out:

All forms of tobacco dramatically raise blood pressure.

6.      Shake Off Salt:Salt 2

And sodium rich foods such as soy sauce and canned soups.  With the exception of salt substitutes or an easily found product in your grocery store with a balance of sodium/potassium chloride.

7.      Remember B-Vitamins:

After angioplasty surgery, 3 different B vitamins – folate, B6 and B12-cut in half the risk that arteries will re-close.

8.      Check Your Blood:

Have your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar checked regularly.  A comprehensive laboratory work-up is your best health insurance to maintain optimal good health.

9.      Fish for Omega 3-s:

Stress essential fatty-acid-containing foods or supplements of fish oil, flaxseed oil and borage oil.

10.    Mull Over A Multi:Vitamin-B6

A daily multi-vitamin ensures that you’re getting the basics.  Find out where you are nutrient deficient and concentrate on increasing the nutrients in your food and supplement program.

11.     Value Vitamin C:

The less vitamin C in the blood, the higher the blood pressure in hypertensive patients.  Take 2-3 times daily to your tolerance level.

12.     Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat – However:

Choose white fish and skinless chicken and turkey or remove before eating.  Alternate to cheese products that are not from dairy such as:  goat, oat, almond, veggie, soy or rice.   Forget the processed foods, if possible.

13.     Toss the Trans Fats:

These are a greater risk than even saturated fats.  (Margarine, baked goods, etc) Read the labels.food addict

14.     Embrace Vitamin E: Evidence suggests that vitamin E also magnifies vitamin C’s blood pressure-lowering effect.

15.     Reject Refined Foods:

Shun the salty, sugary, pre-made, preserved, fried and fatty

16.     Get Calcium:

Hypertensive patients seldom drink enough milk-and they are usually low on calcium.  Broccoli, spinach, tofu, goat milk and calcium supplements are alternatives.  Don’t take calcium alone.

17.     Compute Your Body Mass Index:

Multiply your weight in pounds by 703, then divide by your height in inches, then again divide by your height in inches.  Try to stay between 18.5 and 24.9.

demon drink18.     Swear Off Sodas:

Soft drinks can deplete potassium.

19.     Prefer Potassium:This crucial mineral is found in many fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, fish and supplements.

20.     Make It Magnesium:

It’s in leafy greens, legumes, whole grains and supplements.

21.     Air Out Antioxidants:

Beta-Carotene, Co-Enzyme Q10, and Selenium may help.

22.     Boost Bioflavonoids:

Available in fruits, vegetables, and supplements, bioflavonoids enhance vitamin C’s effects.

23.     Leave The Bar:Superdrink

1-2 drinks a day is OK-even stress-relieving-but more can cause health problems.

24.     Dash Your Diet:

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) according to some experts is high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy, and it’s low in fat.

25.     Think Zinc:

Zinc may reverse hypertension that has been caused by too much cadmium.

26.     Buy Into Bilberry:

This European blueberry contains anthocyanosides, which are powerful flavonoids.

27.     Grasp Grape Seed Extracts:

Research at the University of Alabama suggests grape seed extract can lower blood pressure significantly.

28.     Find Fiber:

Think veggies and whole grains.

29.     Jilt the Java:

Too much daily coffee-and even tea-can raise blood pressure.

30.     Now, Go To Bed:artworks-000042312635-3k7r7p-crop

High blood pressure patients deprived of sleep experience significant increases in blood pressure, especially during the evening.    

Nobody in their right mind will be able to read this and do it all, what I may suggest at once a week or perhaps once a month you bring one new health awareness issue into your mind and all those changes will certainly make your body (who relies on you) to make it happy.

I would suggest if you’re not working with a natural healthcare doctor that perhaps you ought to start by using my individualized HealthTest© medical (allopathic) doctors have no credentials in clinical nutrition – so perhaps this may be a first step for you or someone you love.  If you have questions do feel free to call me, and let’s talk about you!

This is all about helping others –  Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY! 

Dr. Rhonda Henry

Doctor of Nutritional Science – Certified Traditional Chinese Practitioner

Specializing in Preventive & Alternative HealthCare – NATURALLY!


Temporary website:          www.drhenry.com

Email inquiries:                 contact@drhenry.com

Las Vegas Office:              72-269-8120 – My programs come to YOU!

College Footballers:

concussionjpgIncidents of concentrated exertion could raise blood pressure.

 A recent study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation has found that college football players are at risk of developing high blood pressure.

A previous study of competitive rowers at Harvard University didn’t find a connection, but this may be due to the nature of the sports, like football, that involve periodic episodes of intense exertion.

While limited in its scope, the study conducted by the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, found that more than half of all first-year football players at a certain university developed high blood pressure by the end of the playing season.

Increased blood pressure was especially associated with a family history of hypertension, rapid weight-gain during the season, and playing in lineman positions.

Researchers documented higher blood pressure levels among 113 first year – that’s a 47% of players were considered pre-hypertensive and 14% had indicated worsening heart health.  In this study left ventricle thickening was observed in endurance athletes and was significantly greater among lineman.High_Blood_Pressure_Illustration

The study’s senior investigator, Aaron L. Baggish, M.D. associate director’s aim is not to scare players, but to stress that “early and careful monitoring may improve their heart health later in life.”  That seems to be a word for the wise!

As you who have been following me either through my blogs or online radio shows, I don’t give this time, energy and my knowledge to feed me, or to sell you the so-called latest and greatest product of the week.  No, not my style – what I want each and every one of you to do is to find out where you may be nutrients deficient – understand those deficiencies – and start then by eating to live (I prepare you personalized food program), rather than to think it doesn’t matter and just keep eating the junk the manufacturers and drug dealers suggest.  Stop buying until you KNOW – what you need – would you go to a dentist for a heart condition?  Of course not.

Take some time to think about you and how you’re feeling and how much money you’re spending on what you “think” you know – like your now a health scientist.  Stop it and find out what you need.  Doesn’t that make sense?


All I’m doing today and everyday is trying to help you to – Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health -TODAY!   

(What a concept!)

Dr. Rhonda


Website:http://www.drhenry.com    http://www.drhenry.com

Email:        contact@drhenry.com

Office:       702-269-8120

Corn-Sweetened Sodas:

high-fructose-corn-syrupCan we at least save our kids? Cane sugar doesn’t produce the harmful carbonyl compounds; the antioxidant from green tea (EGCG) reduces levels of reactive carbonyls

 Many public health advocates and researchers believe that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – a synthetically produced sweetener – promotes diabetes and obesity, because of differences in the way it’s metabolized compared with the sucrose in cane sugar.Corn

However, Spanish researchers found that liquid fructose affects a genetic switch called PPAR-alpha in ways that impair the ability of rodents’ livers to break down the sweetener.

As the Spaniards reported, “Because PPAR-alpha activity is lower in humans than in rodent livers, fructose ingestion in humans should cause even worse effects, which would partly explain the link between increased consumption of fructose and widening epidemics of obesity and metabolic syndrome.” (Rogans N et al 2007).

Pro-aging compounds abound in corn syrup-sweetened sodas

 cornsyrupResearchers at Rutgers University add fuel to the fire with a report that carbonated soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contain very high levels of a chemical that may contribute to the development of diabetes, particularly in children.

 The scientists found that carbonated drinks containing HFCS had uniquely high levels of reactive “carbonyl” compounds.

Beverages sweetened with cane sugar (sucrose) are free of reactive carbonyls, because its fructose and glucose components are “bound” into chemically stable sucrose molecules.12-10-24banksysoda2

And carbonation seems to fuel formation of reactive-carbonyls in beverages containing HFCS.  The Rutgers group found only one-third the amount of reactive carbonyl species in non-carbonated drinks containing comparable concentrations of HFCS.

These pro-aging chemicals occur at very high levels in the blood of diabetics, and are linked to complications of the disease.

Rutgers researcher Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D. tested 11 popular sodas containing HFCS and found “astonishingly high” levels of reactive carbonyls: a single can contained about 5 times more carbonyls than the blood of an adult with diabetes.

High reactive carbonyl compounds are associated with the “unbound” fructose and glucose molecules in HFCS, and bear a relationship to the advanced glycation end product (AGEs) found in many breads baked goods, and browned meats.sweetsoda
This is how the author of a recent scientific review expressed the state of the evidence, and I so agree.

“Considerable evidence is now accumulating that… reactive carbonyl products are… involved in the progression of diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, atherosclerosis, diabetic complications, reperfusion after ischemic surgery, hypertension, and inflammation” ((Ellis EM 2007).

AGES and carbonyls both induce “Glycation” reactions, which form compounds containing chemical bonds that generate cell-damaging free radicals.

diet-soda-2All this to say and perhaps at this point in our society ‘beg’ you to not purchase regular or even worse diet sodas, in particular if you have children that you love.  Poison is poison, is poison!

Let’s save our kids – even if the parents are addicted.  Help me help them……….

This is a plan for all to start –

Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health –   TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda


Website:     www.drhenry.com

Email:        Contact@drhenry.com

Office:        702-269-8120