Infant Diets – May Raise Adult Obesity Risk! |

New mothers with newborn babies, and sometimes even women who are not first-time mothers, often find themselves at a loss when a baby is still fussy despite being fed and dry-bottomed. Unfortunately, the first inclination is to feed more, which is often not the answer at all. In fact, what we feed our babies is very important, and the early introduction of cereals and juices and giving babies high carbohydrate infant formulas may cause an increased risk for obesity in later years.

 6 Ways to Cut Your Cancer Risk

 6ways cancer

1.     Tobaccocancersmoke

Tobacco kills.  Smoking can damage almost every organ in your body and is a known cause of at least 15 different types of cancer.

The risks of cancer aren’t limited to cigarettes.  Cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and the smokeless tobacco called snuff are all linked to cancer.

Want another reason to quit?  Secondhand smoke is a cancer cause, too.  Tens of thousands of people – including children have diseases ranging from asthma and pneumonia to sudden infant death syndrome and even ear infections as a result of secondhand smoke.

cancer weight 2.      Obesity

Adults should be physically active for at least 30 minutes for 5 or more days a week.

Children should engage in physical play for at least 60 minutes, 5 days a week.

Diets should be fresh, (preferably organic) fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc.  for more

information on how to prepare your healthy individualized food program, check out Dr. Henry’s HealthTest© .  Why struggle when I can make your life easier and healthier!

 3.      Sun Exposure

About one million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States and most are sun related.  Melanoma, the most serious skin cancer, can be fatal.  You can lower your risk for skin cancer by limiting the time that you sped in the sun, especially between 10 am and 4 pm.  And take these additional steps:sun-m

*       Seek out shade, especially during the middle of the day.

*       Use only natural skin protections not commercial sun screens.

*       Wear protective clothing, specifically the kind you can’t see through when held up to light.

*       Wear a hat and protect your eyes with sunglasses that have 99% UV absorption.

*       Avoid sun lamps and tanning beds because they can cause the same type of skin damage as the direct sun.


4.         Infections

InfectionInfections from viruses, bacteria and parasites re a known cancer risk in up to 20% of all cancers.  Several of those viruses are sexually transmitted, such asa human papillomavirus (HPV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
You can reduce your risk for getting these types of viruses by using condoms during sex.  Women can reduce their risk of cancer from HPV by getting a vaccine.  In fact, the American Cancer Society now recommends the HPV vaccine for girls who are 9 and older.  Not my feelings on the matter, at all.  Mom and Dad – teaching respect of ones body and good self-esteem is your responsibility.

5.      Chemical Exposure

A variety of substance found in common products are known to be cancer causing.  Two of particular interest:


A fibrous substance, is found in many older buildings where it was used as insulation and as a fire-retardant, inhaling it can cause cancer.  So be sure to have your home checked for asbestos before beginning any sort of renovation.  Carpenters and other skilled workers who deal with remodeling older homes should investigate proper safety precautions before working in a building that contains asbestos.


Is a solvent used in dry cleaning.  While wearing dchemical warningthumbry-cleaned clothes isn’t considered dangerous, those who work in a dry cleaning business should change clothes after work, wash work clothes regularly, and keep trier food out of the work area. 

6.      Consumer Products

Antiperspirants, talcum powder, hair dye, aspartame, and some cosmetics have all been reported as possible cancer causes, often incorrectly.  The truth is that there is no conclusive evidence that any of these products cause cancer.  However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to monitor various studies and issues periodic updates.

If down the line they find this or that product causes this or that – you could have already gotten the cancer.  There are thousands of products and hustlers fronting them – I say and perhaps ask: why take the chance when you can easily purchase safe, natural products.  I think this makes good sense, don’t you?

What’s amazing or more profoundly shocking is that 20-30 years ago most of these issues were not issues at all.  Now that money rules all in charge who could care less about us citizens, for the most part, in our ignorance we don’t know what to do.  And just as serious is that we have doctors who have been practicing that long who won’t keep up-to-date, and haven’t realized that they must wake up and remember what they signed on to – “do no harm” – where is that today?

As all of you who follow my blogs and listen to my online radio shows know – I’m not hustling products – but I am hustling the right kind of education and help that I never received, and that’s why now that I know a few things – I want to help you

Plan for Tomorrow’s GOOD health – TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda


Dr. Rhonda Henry Doctor of Nutritional Science

Certified Traditional Chinese Practitioner

Specializing in Preventive & Alternative HealthCare – NATURALLY!


Temporary website:

Email inquiries:       

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120 – My programs come to YOU!


U.S. is Really Sick!


The United States is sicker than the rest of the developed world – Really!addict Dr

A report released in January, 2013 found that Americans are unhealthier than 16 other developed countries.  The report, which was compiled by the National Research Council and the Institutes of Medicine, found that, despite the fact that Americans spend the most money per year on healthcare (I call it Sickness-Care) we’re not healthier or living longer than other countries.

Several factors contribute to U.S. debility, such as a large uninsured population, high consumption of calories, high drug abuse, less use of seatbelts, high levels of poverty, high reliance on cars and low physical activity.  No single factor explains the overall status of American health.

Of the health areas studied, Americans ranked worse than other countries in 9 categories, including, among others, drug abuse, heart disease, obesity and diabetes, and lung disease.

The study found that U.S. men live the shortest lives of all 16 countries at 76 years, and U.S. women ranked second-to-last at just under 81 years.  Americans are more likely to die younger because of issues such as obesity and heart disease.

CoinToss-Aspirin-Cartoon“I don’t think most parents know that, on average, infants, children, and adolescents in the U.S. die younger and have greater rates of illness and injury than youth in other countries,” said Dr. Steven Woolf, chair of the panel and of the Department of Family Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University, according to NBC News.
But there is a silver lining.  Americans who live to the age of 75 are expected to live longer than those in the other countries.  Not to mention people in the U.S. that control blood pressure and cholesterol better and have a lower death rate from cancer.

Does Industry Have the Answer?

The nutrition industry is concerned with the results of this study because of its implications for their field and their interest in improving the well-being and health of the country.  Industry expert Mark LeDoux, chairman and CEO at Natural Alternative International, Inc.; Steve Mister, present and CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition; and Robert Craven, CEO of FoodState, commented on the findings of this study.

LeDoux,”It’s ‘sick care’ not health care’ – I’ve been saying this for 30-years.”

The first obvious issue that arises from this report is that the “healthcare” system in America is a misnomer.  We don’t provide healthcare we provide sick-care.  I’ve been saying this for 30-years, thank God, someone else is saying it!  Many of the common diseases that lead to our mortality rates being high are directly linked to what we affectionately call “high-risk behaviours.”

If we look at food choices in the family from an early age, we see that convenience plays a role in generating unhealthy choices.  Getting a frozen dinner and plopping oneself in front of the television while eating retards the development of proper social family time.

When children go off to public school, they’re often fed by institutional food service programs that are big on quantity, but not necessarily up on freshness or quality.  It never ceases to amaze me that people will order 1,200 calories of fat laden foods at fast food restaurants, and then order a super sized diet soft drink (and they have no idea what’s in that drink to make it acceptable to use the word diet, or as I refer to it as DIE…t). Thinking that simply by ordering a diet beverage they are somehow redeeming the poor choices of food that accompany the beverage.

Unfortunately, when it comes to healthcare in America we have seen the enemy, and he looks an awful lot like us.

Supplements can and should play a vital role in securing appropriate nutrient densities in our tissues and organ systems, but failure to be mobile leads to a whole set of other negative consequences.  Gluttony leads to obesity, and that condition takes a toll on overall health – putting undue burdens on the ‘sick-care’ system in America to hopefully alleviate the symptoms of self-wrought misery.  It would seem self-evident that Americans may be the most overfed and undernourished people in the developed world.

Mister,” We can deliberately defy unhealthy culture.”

This report is certainly troubling.  At the same time, maybe it illuminates some opportunities for potential growth in the U.S. supplement marketplace.  As the researchers noted, it’s not any one factor, but rather a whole collection of health-related behaviours that contributes to the U.S.’s health score.

As individuals we all need to be more conscious of the small daily behaviours that collectively contribute to a longer, eating ignorance
more healthy life – everything from easing up on the accelerator, to taking a daily jog, to passing on the second piece of chocolate cake.  When we think about health as a constellation of lifestyle choices rather than “I need to lower my cholesterol or I need to lose weight,” we can start to understand how all these things work together.  Our bodies are not a collection of unconnected parts, they’re integrated wholistic systems all working together.  So what we eat, the
supplements we take, the exercise we get, all impact our entire
bodies and life outlook
– not just our blood pressure, or just our mood or just our alertness, but everything.  Supplements are just one of those behaviours, but because they are easily incorporated into a daily regimen, they can be a daily reminder to do other healthy things too.

Daily supplement regimens have direct effects on health, but just the act of taking a supplement can also serve as a remind to engage in other healthy behaviors.  It gives us a feeling of autonomy and empowerment over our health which in turn makes us more conscious of our health and more invested in protecting it.  Marketers of supplements could move the needle toward a healthier U.S. if they rebrand the routine of taking supplements as a brave, deliberate act of defying the unhealthy culture around us.
And rather than just buy this or that advertisers say-so – don’t buy supplements before you know what you need.  Supplements should work together synergistically (work together), so that you get their full benefit.  This can only happen when you are taking natural, bioidentical supplements, not what most of the public are buying at stores, on line, etc. which are synthetic.

Our bodies require what it was designed to keep, build and repair our bodies.

Let’s lead by example:

It's a Dirty Little GameI’m convinced that new legislation will do very little – although I was in favour of the super-size soft drink ban in NYC.  I got into a Facebook fight on this one as some of my friends started saying that this was taking away “freedom” and “liberty” and I made the point that if your liberty and freedom starts costing me money it ceases to be your freedom.

I believe our industry has a real opportunity to take a leadership position here – not from a legislative perspective, but from one that is much more inspirational.  What if our industry was the healthiest industry in the nation?  What if we could prove it?  What if our industry did more for turning around disease directly – meaning we had more of an impact than any allopathic doctor or legislator or health insurer ever could?  What if we could prove we were healthier with real data?  I think this would do more for our positive stature in the world than anything else we could ever do.  It’s walking all the talk.
What if the leaders in our industry got together and did nothing else but decide that all of our employees would be healthy?  Has anyone ever taken a count of how many people that would represent (employees of natural and supplement companies and their families)?  Has to be in the millions…

If we did nothing else but decide that we (our industry) were going to set an example by being healthy, that as CEOs we were going to lead the charge and set the example – being healthy ourselves; creating systems and support that truly promoted health within our own companies; leading the conversation with other CEOs in our communities; ringing the bell for wellness right where we live – wouldn’t this one act, if we had enough great companies on board and bought into the vision, do more for solving the U. S. Health crisis than any other act?  Especially given that our employees and customers are the most willing participants.

I can’t think of any other answer.  In the end, there may be enough of us out there to ultimately solve the problem – regardless, as for me and my company, we are going to do our best.

My Closing Thoughts:

I can’t tell you how impressed and in agreement with all these wonderful gentlemen.  I would say that anybody who is even selling vitamins for extra money – let’s take the lead –  if you’re selling health – don’t you think you should be an example and by look and feeling healthy yourself and help those you care about to do the same?

On the other hand, I always suggest that you find out what you really need when in comes to your food and supplement program.  You don’t go to the shoemaker when you have a heart condition!  Aren’t you sick and tired of guessing at what you need, or buying the latest and greatest sales pitch of the month?  Don’t cover up symptoms – find the cause of your issues.  Doesn’t that make sense?  Be aware that most allopathic doctors don’t have degrees in nutrition.  Nor do multi-level sellers, exercise coaches, etc.

I will start the ball rolling by offering you the opportunity of finding out where you may be nutrient deficient, and which ones are low or very-low, get an explanation of each deficiency with foods in that category.  I will prepare a customized food program from your answers – no counting, calories, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, etc. I’ll do all the work for you – all you have to do is EAT!  How great is that?

Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or want to find out how to eat properly for your individual needs – this program works.  Why?  Because it’s not a one-size-fits-all.  Remember, we’re as unique as our fingerprints – so why would you think that the advertisers push, in particular when it comes to weight-loss, is your answer?  We’ve all tried many of them, and did what was suggested, so we lost some and in no time put on more, plus.  As an ex-311 pounder, I obviously know a little about food.

Having a family practice, weight is often the foundation of so many health issues. I’ve been there and done that so it’s easy for me to relate. YOUR ANSWER – is finding the CAUSE not covering up the symptoms.

Your customized Report will teach you which supplements you should start with, and how to take them in a synergistic (they must work in a balance together), way to get there full benefits.

This is the right way to  STOP, The Food & Vitamin Guessing Game!

Dr. Rhonda


Dr. Rhonda Henry

Doctor of Nutritional Science

Certified Traditional Chinese Practitioner

Specializing in

Preventive & Alternative HealthCare – NATURALLY!


Temporary website:

Email inquiries:       

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120

Give me a call and let’s talk about YOU!




kidney foodKidney disease can be a somewhat common sequela of obesity and the
consumption of a high fat diet.  Here, triglyceride and fatty deposits can infiltrate the kidneys, thereby leading to dysfunction and a disease state.  The consumption of polyphenols found in grape skins and their seeds was shown to mitigate kidney damage and improve kidney function, according to a recent animal study. To have a personalized food program designed just for your specific needs, check out my HealthTest© – Give the gift of good health to YOU!   Dr. Rhonda Products you may want to consider:    for availability. #475       BP Natural #898       Pro-Antho Forte #783       Mi-T-Cell                                                                                                                                                              

Childhood Diseases

sick kidAcute inflammations like colds, flus and fevers seem to be an inescapable part of life; everyone experiences them.  Why do we get them?  Many of us have noticed (if not, than our spouses have noticed) that we often come down with a cold or flue when we’re overly dis-stressed or depleted.

If you follow my online weekly radio shows ( you know that the word ‘stress’ has been used incorrectly – let me explain, in case you’re new to blogs.

Stress is a motivator – a good thing

Dis-stress brings on illness, pain, disease and often early death!

We explain this by assuming that dis-stress lowers our resistance to the viruses and bacteria that, we believe, like to attack us and make us sick.  Most of the time we peacefully co-exist with these microbes which are everywhere and share our environment, and if we get sick it’s often because we’ve allowed ourselves to get out of balance.  This applies to children too, but only partially.

cough syrupIn children, studies have shown that respiratory infections increase in frequency from birth until a peak by age 6 followed by a sharp decline after age 7, irrespective of treatment.  In other words, it seems to be a normal feature of childhood to experience a variety of acute inflammation, especially respiratory, in the first 7-years of life.

Prior to the advent of 20th century improvements in sanitation and living standards, children had a high death rate in their first 7 years from these acute inflammations: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and the common unnamed pneumonia’s and diarrheas.Boy Blowing His Nose into a Handkerchief

These have been the greatest threats to children throughout history, and still are in developing countries.

In all modern nations children’s deaths from such acute inflammations have been steeply declining ever since 1900, and over 90% of the decline occurred before the advent of antibiotics and vaccinations.  Polio is an important exception to this pattern.

Just before 1900, when all the other familiar life-threatening children’s illnesses were beginning to decline, the newcomer polio made its first appearance in medical history and continued to grow in importance until its abrupt decline with the advent of the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines in the 1950’s.

In the U.S. today what used to be the common dangerous infections of childhood only account for about 1% of children’s deaths.  In contrast to this, 7% of deaths in U.S. children aged 1-19 are from cancer, 7% are from suicide and a shocking 14% are from homicide.
AsthmaSince 1960 there has been a sharp increase in both the frequency and the severity of asthma in many developed nations.  In the U.S. asthma accounts for 1% of children’s deaths – equal to infections – and is a leading cause of childhood disability.

A growing body of medical research supports the commonsense idea that children who experience frequent infections and inflammations in early childhood will strengthen their immune systems and will be less prone to allergies and asthma then children who rarely experience such infections.

The idea is called “the hygiene hypothesis”.  Research has revealed a list of factors which correlate with a decreased risk of asthma and allergies, including the avoidance of vaccinations and antibiotics and the blessings of growing up in a large family and having farm animals.

If the hygiene hypothesis proves to be correct, it will have a revolutionary impact on medical practice.  We will realize that when children experience their cold and fevers, they’re challenging their immune systems and developing an inner strength which will be theirs throughout life.

illAs with all challenges in childhood, our job as parents and healthcare workers will be to strengthen the child to meet its challenges but not to remove the challenges altogether.  In any case, it’s not possible in the long run to eliminate challenges, but only to replace some kinds of challenges with other kinds.

The blessing of modern medicine is that it has the tools and techniques to ease suffering and save lives when we or our children are in danger of being overwhelmed by illness.

Nevertheless, thwarting or suppressing illness does not automatically create health, though it does grant us or our children the respite to return to health thanks to our body’s natural tendency to heal and to restore balance.

Health and healing are mostly about developing our inner capacities to adapt to change and to maintain balance as we move through life’s journey.

To truly foster the overall health and inner strength of our children, we need to go beyond the short-sighted view of illnesses as hostile aggressors and of children as helpless victims.  Children are individuals.  Each child gets ill in his or her own individual way, and each illness a child gets has a meaningful part to play among the challenges belonging to that child’s life.slider_childhooddiseases

Just like everything else in nature, individual illnesses exist within a larger context of a balances system.  There is an ecology of human illness.  If we attempt to eliminate a single element of am ecological system, we disturb the balance of the whole in ways which can lead to unforeseen consequences.

To these unforeseen consequences belong the dramatic increases in asthma, allergies, diabetes, autism, overweight, obesity and learning dysfunctions occurring in children today.  These result, in part, from modern medicine’s failure to appreciate where the balance lies in health and illness, and from its failure to grasp that when you push down on one side of the balance, the other side goes up!

Our present effort to eradicate acute infectious diseases in children through increasing numbers of vaccines has already long overshot the healthy balance point, and is now helping to create in developed nations more chronic disease and disability in children than ever before.

kid wbearTo improve public health, health policy needs to shift it’s focus from eradicating particular diseases to improving the social conditions which breed disease, and physicians need to learn how to help  individual patients maintain balance in body, soul and spirit throughout their lives.

If we, as health care practitioners learn that, and if we apply it to ourselves as well, then the overall health of our society cannot help but improve.  I know some are reading this and saying – Dr. Henry, you are so idealistic.  I know, but I believe if each of us start to take a good look at just our own lives and that of our family, we can start to make a difference, little by little.  I see the changes every day in my practice when I start to teach my patients better shopping and cooking methods, little by little they get excited and everyone in their family benefits – how great is that?

How can you continue to feed your children chemicals, toxins, pesticides, poor water, etc. and expect them to be and stay well.  Look around today at your family health issues – perhaps it’s not too late to change things around in your home.  Your kids deserve to live a full, healthy, happy life, not become another prescription drug addict!

Dr. Rhonda

Do start to –

Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!



Email inquiries:        

Las Vegas Office:              702-269-8120










Corn-Sweetened Sodas:

high-fructose-corn-syrupCan we at least save our kids? Cane sugar doesn’t produce the harmful carbonyl compounds; the antioxidant from green tea (EGCG) reduces levels of reactive carbonyls

 Many public health advocates and researchers believe that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – a synthetically produced sweetener – promotes diabetes and obesity, because of differences in the way it’s metabolized compared with the sucrose in cane sugar.Corn

However, Spanish researchers found that liquid fructose affects a genetic switch called PPAR-alpha in ways that impair the ability of rodents’ livers to break down the sweetener.

As the Spaniards reported, “Because PPAR-alpha activity is lower in humans than in rodent livers, fructose ingestion in humans should cause even worse effects, which would partly explain the link between increased consumption of fructose and widening epidemics of obesity and metabolic syndrome.” (Rogans N et al 2007).

Pro-aging compounds abound in corn syrup-sweetened sodas

 cornsyrupResearchers at Rutgers University add fuel to the fire with a report that carbonated soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contain very high levels of a chemical that may contribute to the development of diabetes, particularly in children.

 The scientists found that carbonated drinks containing HFCS had uniquely high levels of reactive “carbonyl” compounds.

Beverages sweetened with cane sugar (sucrose) are free of reactive carbonyls, because its fructose and glucose components are “bound” into chemically stable sucrose molecules.12-10-24banksysoda2

And carbonation seems to fuel formation of reactive-carbonyls in beverages containing HFCS.  The Rutgers group found only one-third the amount of reactive carbonyl species in non-carbonated drinks containing comparable concentrations of HFCS.

These pro-aging chemicals occur at very high levels in the blood of diabetics, and are linked to complications of the disease.

Rutgers researcher Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D. tested 11 popular sodas containing HFCS and found “astonishingly high” levels of reactive carbonyls: a single can contained about 5 times more carbonyls than the blood of an adult with diabetes.

High reactive carbonyl compounds are associated with the “unbound” fructose and glucose molecules in HFCS, and bear a relationship to the advanced glycation end product (AGEs) found in many breads baked goods, and browned meats.sweetsoda
This is how the author of a recent scientific review expressed the state of the evidence, and I so agree.

“Considerable evidence is now accumulating that… reactive carbonyl products are… involved in the progression of diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, atherosclerosis, diabetic complications, reperfusion after ischemic surgery, hypertension, and inflammation” ((Ellis EM 2007).

AGES and carbonyls both induce “Glycation” reactions, which form compounds containing chemical bonds that generate cell-damaging free radicals.

diet-soda-2All this to say and perhaps at this point in our society ‘beg’ you to not purchase regular or even worse diet sodas, in particular if you have children that you love.  Poison is poison, is poison!

Let’s save our kids – even if the parents are addicted.  Help me help them……….

This is a plan for all to start –

Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health –   TODAY!

Dr. Rhonda




Office:        702-269-8120