Government Threatening Parents!!

Kick kids out of Head Start if they aren’t vaccinated on the government’s schedule!

Posted by ANH-USA –

NWO9There’s a new front in the push to mandate vaccinations – this time on underprivileged children.  We need to stop it NOW.

A new bill, expected to be introduced in Congress this week, would require that all children in Head Start programs be fully vaccinated unless medical reasons exempt them.  The bill, “A Head Start on Vaccinations Act,” would give parents 3 months to get their kids vaccinated and follow the CC’s recommended schedule, which includes a total of 34 shots for 14 different diseases.

The CDC has called for more and more vaccines, at younger and younger ages.  Newborns in 1964 were immunized against 6 diseases.  Today they’re vaccinated against 16 diseases, receiving 1 injection at birth and up to 19 more injections in their first 6 months of life.  (A baby doesn’t even develop an immune system for 2 years, how are they to deal with all these toxic drugs?)  So many vaccinations at such a young age are a tremendous assault on a child’s immune system.  Respected integrative physician Dr. Russell L. Blalock notes that “multiple vaccines given close together may overstimulate the growing b rain’s immune system and destroy brain cells.”state-vaccination-exemptions-map

The Head Start Program is a Department of Health and Human Services project that “promotes the school readiness of young children from low-income families.”  In FY2014, Head Started served about 989,000 families, but the number of children enrolled in the program is higher than that, since some families have more than 1 child who participates.

While we’ve seen numerous attempts at the state level to eliminate or restrict religious, philosophical, and person belief exemptions, and to mandate vaccinations for children who attend public schools, this is one of the first attempts by the federal government to get involved in mandating vaccinations.  Clearly, the federal government is using any means necessary to push its vaccine agenda on unwilling individuals, even if it means usurping powers traditionally reserved to the states.

NWOWe already have a situation in which the federal government develops vaccines, partners with Big Pharma vaccine makers, subsidizes them, fast-tracks approvals, denies citizens the right to sue for harm, and pushes the states to mandate vaccines, then turns around and accepts drug company money and political contributions.  Now even the fig leaf separation of federal officials from the state mandate will be eroded.

Moreover, as we have said before, Congress needs to face the facts about vaccines.  They’re not 100% safe – nor are they guaranNWO7teed to stop diseases.  From 2005 to 2014, no child in America died from measles, yet 108 babies died from the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine.  There is also an abundance of evidence that shows the dangers of exposure to even small amounts of mercury, which can still be found in flu vaccines.  Mercury has been linked to severe neurological effects and even autism.  Despite the widely touted belief that the link between vaccines and autism has been “debunked,” researchers found 83 cases of autism among those compensated by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program for vaccine-induced brain damage.

NWO1There’s an even more troubling aspect of this proposal.  Last year, we wrote about the CDC whistle blower, Dr. William Thompson, who broke a decade of silence over the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine and a dramatically increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys.  The fact that African American children make up nearly a third of all kids in Head Start makes this legislation all the more dangerous, exposing vulnerable populations to unnecessary harm.  Much more research is needed about how vaccines affect minority children.  Mandates targeted on minorities without such research are especially unconscionable.

NWO3If passed, this legislation would punish parents who want to do what’s best for their children but who also have legitimate concerns about the dangers of vaccines – concerns that the federal government refused to address or even to acknowledge.  This is what is so odd about the vaccine debate.  Proponents of vaccines try to wrap themselves in the mantle of science but refuse to discuss the science itself.

An example of this all-too-common-attitude in Times columnist Joe Klein.  He devoted an entire recent column to descrying “strident voices” in our political discourse.  He wanted “moderation…a grown-up and civil alternative” to today’s “screech.”  Then in his next to last sentence he refers to “crazy … nutso talk about vaccinations.”NWO4

The questions being asked about the safety of vaccines aren’t in the lest “nutso.”  And it’s not scientific to argue that vaccinations and vaccination schedules can’t be improved.

This new federal bill also sets an extremely dangerous precedent: if the federal government can step in and mandate vaccinations for participants in programs that receive federal funding, what’s next?  This bill could be the beginning of a very slippery slope leading to mandatory vaccinations for all American children – or all Americans, no matter what age or situation in life.  Where does it stop?

NWO5Action Alert!  Tell Congress it’s irresponsible and inappropriate for the federal government to get involved in vaccine mandates.  Not only is this traditionally a state issue, but the well documented dangers of runaway vaccine schedules certainly warrant caution.  The are medical reasons for even more caution with minority children, who need to be the subject of more vaccine-related research.  If passed, this bill sets a dangerous precedent that could pave the way for further vaccine mandates for millions of Americans who participate in federally funded programs Take action by going to ANH-USA website.

Please don’t just read and forget – get involved and pass this on to all your social medial gang and insist that they communicate with the power’s that be – NOW!


Dr. Rhonda

Overweight & Obesity in Children:

The number of overweight U.S. children is increasing.


According to the National Center for Health Statistics indicate 15% of children ages 6 to 18 were overweight, up  6%, 15% of youngsters ages 6 to 19 and 10% of children 2 through 5 were considered seriously overweight.  Sources: AHA, NIH, CDC, NHNES.

Obesity in children has become a top priority for health professionals in the United States.  More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and 30% suffer from obesity, but there has been a dramatic increase in childhood obesity.  In the United States, the percentage of overweight or obese children has doubled over the past 30-years to 25% of the under -19 year old population.

Overweight and obesity are caused by an imbalance between food consumption and energy expenditure and experts agree that this is probably due to changes in diets as they’re increasingly high in fat and carbohydrates.  According to Dr. Francine Kaufman, former president of the American Diabetes Association and head of pediatric endocrinology at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, children are increasingly exposed to genetic and environmental “triggers” that can lead to obesity and possibly diabetes.

fitness-farm-complications-of-childhood-obesityThe American Academy of Pediatrics, which represents American pediatricians, points out that obesity isn’t something called “body mass index” (or BMI), a mathematical formula that takes into account both the child’s weight and height The increasing percentage of children suffering from obesity has put children at risk for complications of obesity both in childhood and adult life.  A child who is overweight has a greater chance of becoming an overweight adult.  A teen with “baby” fat has a 75% plus chance of becoming overweight, putting them at high risk for diabetes, heart problems, cancer, high blood pressure and other serious diseases.  High cholesterol has even been discovered in some toddlers today.

Don’t forget, I was a chubby baby, fat child, and graduated to an obese adult topping at 311 pounds.Features-SMH

The Academy has proposed a number of approaches to help reduce the growing epidemic of obesity among American children.  This includes that physicians should regularly track each child’s BMI to more efficiently recognize excessive weight gain in relation to height.  It has also proposed that families should be educated to understand the important impact they have on their children’s development of lifelong habits of nutritious eating and regular physical activity.

Dietary practices should encourage moderate eating rather than over-consumption and rather than trying to control children’s eating practices, parents should encourage healthful choices; for example, nutritious snacks can include vegetables and fruit, *low-fat” dairy foods, and *whole grains,” as mentioned in the proposals put forward by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

According to a recent U.S. study, children who suffer from migraine headaches are 36% more likely to be overweight.

fatkid2 To Conclude:

Instead of treating us like one-size-fits-all, it’s time that they (powers that be), understood that we’re as unique as our fingerprints, and no 1 or 2 programs will work for the masses.

Until people find out where they may be nutrient deficient, and work towards becoming nutrient sufficient you can’t win the battle!

Allergy testing is so very important and I can honestly say – it changed my life – I sadly found out that everything I liked at the beginning of my journey, yes even the so-called healthier foods – I was either intolerant to, or allergic to.  But once I decided I wanted to live and not die – I changed one thing a week and that worked for me.  It was only a couple of weeks when I started feeling some of my symptoms retreat – and that, you know, was great encouragement for me – as I know it can be for many of YOU!

Another reason allergy testing, in my opinion is so important is because you don’t want to be feeding, what may be a very good food to someone who has an intolerance or allergy to it.  Being a Doctor of Nutritional Science I look at the whole picture and suffering for half of my life has given me insight that many other professionals only read about – I’ve had to live it – which today becomes a blessing to those I work with!fatkid3

My approach is to work with the whole family.  You don’t have a fat child without the help of the parents, grandparents, etc.  Health is a “family affair” and because I have lived the life – my approach is more personal as I teach each person in the family to care for each others good health.

Once I plan your personal roadmap – they each have assignments which affect each other, and so they become “health buddies” – from the youngest to the oldest.  It’s very exciting to see the kids start teaching their parents what nutrients are in an apple or help them remember how to “food combine” properly.

FatKidParents, it took you 9 month waiting for this ‘love child’ – isn’t it worth taking at least that same amount of time to feed them properly?  It’s called a “kitchen” and you all participate – help your kids to be well by seeing that you’re not putting poisonous, chemicals into their bodies.  If grandmother couldn’t buy it – nor should you.

Something to think about – it isn’t happening to the other kids – today, it’s happening two many!

It’s not about the FAT,

It’s about YOUR HEALTH!

Isn’t it time for you to start – Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health  – TODAY!(TM)

Dr. Rhonda

Christian Family HealthCare:

CH2What is Medi-Share?

Medi-Share is a community of more than 129,000 Christians who follow the biblical model of sharing and paying each other’s medical bills much like the early church did 2,000 years ago.  Members of this not-for-profit ministry live healthy biblical lifestyles, which keeps costs down-family options are about $300 per month.  This 7 levels of sharing, you’ll find flexible convenient choices to fit your family.

Medi-Share is Christians Making a Difference.

Since 1993, Medi-Share members have shared more than $1.1 billion in healthcare expenses.Christian Family H

Instead of monthly premiums, which are skyrocketing nationwide, Medi-Share members share in each other’s medical bills and on average pay significantly less for healthcare.  Members also pray for and send notes of encouragement to each other.

If the federal healthcare reform mandate has you seeking a wise and God-honouring choice for your healthcare, you’ll find it in Medi-Share.  Medi-Share members have a special provision in the law and are exempt from the requirement to purchase costly health insurance or face penalties!

Request a Free Information Guide.

You will receive the Medi-Share Information packet by mail within a few days of ordering.  If you would prefer to receive information by email only, let the operator know.  Only legal residents of wthe U.S. who don’t use tobacco can apply.


Please understand that I have no affiliation with Medi-Share – just received the information and anything to keep us away from big government – and legal – I’m into sharing.

As most of my readers know – in the United States we don’t have HealthCare – unfortunately, all we have is Sickness Care because of what those in power allow to be sold to innocent citizens.

It’s never too early, or too late to – Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!(TM)

Dr. Rhonda

For Women Only: How Confused Are YOU?

FWOIt is often necessary to make a decision on the basis of knowledge sufficient for action but insufficient to satisfy the intellect.-Immanuel Kant-

The area of women’s health is highly controversial. We’re told that premenstrual syndrome and hypoglycemia are all in our heads, that there’s no way to prevent osteoporosis except by taking estrogen, and that menopausal symptoms are as inevitable as death and taxes.

During my years in practice I have seen hundreds of women eliminate premenstrual syndrome, arthritic pain, menopausal symptoms, fatigue, lose unwanted pounds and the list goes on. And those who have followed me for a while know that I was a total mess when I started my journey over 30-years ago – so believe me – I’ve been there and done most of it, and understand, for real!melissa-harris-perry-quotation

Nutrition is the health foundation not for the future – but for TODAY! It’s specific, sensible, possible to adopt into any lifestyle, and most important, it works. Clinical experience has shown it works not only on symptoms, but on the cause of health problems, which should be the goal. Specific nutrition that takes into account genetic makeup can bring specific results. We can’t generalize about a subject that varies from person to person, because contrary to advertising campaigns – we’re NOT one-size-fits-all.

In my practice I act as YOUR ‘Health Detective’ who must be thorough and look for bits of information that might not appear to be important. Sometimes they’re hidden, sometimes overlooked. My own search for good health has led me to this new personalized approach to what I believe proper healthcare should be in every healthcare office. Let me explain:

* You have specific vitamin and mineral requirements.

General nutrition is old nutrition. You’re not the same as everyone else, and your needs vary greatly. Find out what foods you need to restore your body to balance and maintain optimal good health.

WHRunning* You need to be able to digest the foods you eat.

Without proper digestion there can’t be complete absorption or utilization.

Poor digestion leaves you deficient in necessary nutrients and can either lead to health problems or prevent elimination of current problems.

* You do not need to take a lot of calcium.

You want the calcium you take to get where it’s needed. Hydrochloric acid (HCI) is required for calcium utilization, and magnesium helps move calcium into bones and other cells. If you are low in any mineral, it’s more likely to be magnesium than calcium. Without enough HCI and magnesium, calcium is likely to cause more problems than it can solve.

* You need some good fats in your diet.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs), found in healthy organic oils, omega 3s, etc. which are needed by all cells and are necessary for good health. To keep slim, some women are eliminating all fats from their diet. However, a low-fat diet should include good fats. Premenstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps are only two indicators that you may lack EFAs.images (1)

Of these mentioned areas, the calcium issue is undoubtedly the most startling and controversial. Doctors who use little nutrition in their practices and rely on older information learned in medical school will argue that you need more calcium. Those who read nutritionally oriented medical journals will be familiar with the approach described here. Because the calcium controversy affects most women, I have chosen to share this information as an example of how and why I practice this new way.

My individually designed HealthTest(©) profile determines deficiencies (using over 300 questions you answer). This is only one of many questionnaires and/or laboratory work-ups to help you reach your health goals. Again, we’re NOT a one-size-fits all society. We are as unique as our fingerprints and only when we understand how our unique body functions can a proper food and supplements program be designed to fit your individual needs. It’s a complicated process which I have made very easy for my patients to understand.


With the contemporary mandate to be thin, many women have turned to diets that emphasize protein, fats, or vegetables, often to the exclusion of other foods. These diets forbid certain essential nutrients and throws our bodies nutritionally off balance. Most significant, perhaps, is the fact that these diets never teach us how to eat for our particular body needs. One popular diet based on food combining and large quantities of fruit resulted in massive sugar consumption.

While fruit is certainly wholesome and contains natural sugars, women with premenstrual syndrome, hypoglycemia, and allergies found that this diet caused such problems as dizziness, fatigue, bloating, and sore breasts. A great many found that their initial weight loss reversed when they returned to eating normally.

DianasForWomenOnlyAvatarGood health is an absence of disease and a state of balance.

Balance is found in food programs that contain a variety of whole foods, not a preponderance of one kind, such as many available advertised ‘DIE…ts”(TM) out today!.

Perhaps you can see more clearly now that no general diet can ever hope to give you what you need, and that no expert can generalize about nutrition and give you the specifics you must have to effect a major change in health. It’s important to understand your individual differences and to design a specific nutritional program that will take into consideration your age, genetic individuality, any existing health problems, and the nutritional needs unique to you as a woman. Your health concerns should not be something you wait to deal with, we all need to start thinking preventive healthcare!

Watch for my individualized At-Home interactive HealthTest© which just may be the greatest health tool and the beginning of you really start properly to – Plan for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!(Tm)

Dr. Rhonda

Good Sex Requires Proper Nutrition!

 FOR MEN (And those who care about them)

Good Sex 1A satisfying sex life requires a healthy body, which depends on sound nutrition, exercise, and sufficient rest.  For the most part, sexual function is controlled by the endocrine glands, which secrete specific hormones.  In order to function properly and produce sufficient hormones, these glands have certain nutritional needs.

The pituitary gland has both direct and indirect effects on sexual and reproductive functions.  Its hormones need the B-complex vitamins, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin E and zinc.  Any deficiency of the pituitary causes underdeveloped sex organs, and impotence in men.

The adrenal glands, produce a small but significant amount of sex hormones.  These glands need vitamin A, the B vitamins, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-1, niacin, vitamin C and E, and the unsaturated fatty acids.  Adrenal exhaustion can result in little strength or desire for sex.  An inadequately supplied thyroid can also cause a lack of desire or strength for sex.  Iodine, the V vitamins, vitamin B-1, and vitamin E are essential for the production of its hormone, thyroxine.

Good sex 2The male sex gland, the testes, are composed of 2 glands; one secretes testosterone and the other produces sperm.  (Testosterone increased sexual desire in both sexes.)  Vitamins A, C, E, and folic acid work with testosterone to produce sperm and other male characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair.  The nutrient content of sperm includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, and vitamin B-12, C, and inositol.  A deficiency of vitamin E causes a degeneration of the testicles; too-low levels of zinc result in immovable, useless and infertile sperm.  In male laboratory animals, a manganese deficiency causes loss of sex drive, lack of semen, and degeneration of the seminal tubules.  Testosterone levels proportionately decrease with the amount of marijuana smoked.

The sex hormones are made from cholesterol.  Cholesterol-containing foods need not be limited as long as the body has sufficient amounts of the other nutrients needed to properly metabolize the cholesterol.  These include wthe vitamins B-complex, C, and E, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and lecithin.  Refined and processed foods are greatly lacking in these nutrients; in their absence cholesterol is unable to enter wthe cells and remains in the blood, eventually helping to form plaques.

Good sex 3

Impotence, the male’s inability to achieve erection of the penis has been related to a magnesium or a combined zinc and vitamin B-6 deficiency.  Other factors associated with impotence are emotional problems, physical illness such as diabetes, and the intake of drugs and alcohol.  Although levels of testosterone decrease with age, this doesn’t cause erectile impotence because the penis requires only minimal amounts of the hormone for successful operation.

Sterility can occur in the male and is often the result of a zinc deficiency.  Studies have shown that the higher the blood histamine level is in men, the quicker the ejaculation.  Men too low in histamine can’t achieve ejaculate prematurely.

Good sex 5

Sexual desire and performance can be adversely affected by numerous things including drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoking, caffeine, some common medicines such as certain tranquilizers, anti-hypertensives, and anticholinergics.

Perhaps you can see more clearly now that no general diet. can ever hope to give you what you need and no expert can generalize about nutrition and give you the specifics you must have to effect a major change in health, and I’ve only discussed one issue today.  It’s important to understand that your individual differences required the correct and specific nutritional program that will take into consideration:

            *   your age

            *   genetic individuality

            *   any existing health problems,   and

*   the nutritional needs unique to YOU, as a man


Sex 6To Conclude:

Nutrient deficiencies are an epidemic in our society and it’s vital to find out where you stand so that you can become nutrient sufficient.  To this end, in a few weeks you will have the opportunity of checking out my “heart project” it’s called; Dr. Henry’s HealthTest© .  It’s helped thousands of people over the years, recently, completely updated, including its copywrite and for the first time I’m offering it to the general public so that we can all –

STOP, The Food & Vitamin Guessing Game!(TM)  Each test is individually designed based on the answers you give. Not only that, but if you’re low or very-low in any nutrient you will receive a complete explanation and a list of foods in that particular category.  If that’s not enough – I will design the right food program for you, again, based on your answers and you won’t have to count calories, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, etc.  I’ve done all the work for you .and so much more.Good sex4

Who but an ex-311 pounder could have thought of all this?

Now you have no excuses – that is – if you’re interested in – Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!(TM)

Dr. Rhonda