Infant DIE…t

May Raise Adult Obesity Risk!

breast feedingNew mothers with newborn babies, and sometimes even women who are not first-time mothers, often find themselves at a loss when a baby is still fussy despite being fed and dry-bottomed.  Unfortunately, the first inclination is to feed more, which is often not the answer at all.  In fact, what we feed our babies is very important, and the early introduction of cereals and juices and giving babies high carbohydrate infant formulas may cause an increased risk for obesity in later years.


Feeding our babies in this manner is called “metabolic programming,” and the risks associated with it may carry over into future generations, according to the findings of a recent study.
The study, the results revealed that rats fed with high-carbohydrate diets as infants or early in life exhibited over-production of insulin and permanent changes in their pancreatic cells.  The insulin abnormality is a contributor to human adult obesity.  The children of the high-carbohydrate female rats became obese with high insulin levels as they matured.


“Overfeeding of formula and

early introduction of

supplemental weaning foods …

May be the culprits.”

Mother feeding baby food to baby

We are always looking at what happens later in life.  Maybe we should be looking at the role of early metabolic programming.  Metabolic signals in the body reset in response to high carbohydrate diets, this induces the permanent changes in the rats.

Overfeeding of formula and early introduction of supplemental weaning foods such as cereals, fruits, and juices that are high in carbohydrates may be the culprits.

So what does this mean to us?  Obviously, it means that mothers have to fight the urge to feed fussy infants cereal to get them to sleep.
Instead, try giving them more formula, or changing formulas.  Ask your natural-oriented doctor for solutions before deciding it’s time to add foods and juices to your baby’s diet – if you don’t, you just might be making a fat adult.

Father Watching


It’s every mother or caretakers responsibility to feed your child properly – when you start them off with junk – their bodies become a garbage full of chemicals, toxins, pesticides, etc.  They deserve better – don’t you agree?

Besides, you don’t want to make your child a food addict – let your mistakes be their blessing.

Dr. Rhonda


If you need assistance, here’s my contact information:


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Las Vegas Office:              702-269–8120


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Planning for Tomorrow’s Good Health – TODAY!

For YOU and YOURS!


A simple, inexpensive nutritional supplement could increase American infants’ birth weight and gestational age closer to those found in other developed countries.

University of Kansas researchers found that the infants of mothers who were given 600 mg of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA during pregnancy weighed more at birth and were less likely to be very low birth weight and born before 34 weeks gestation than infants of mothers who were given a placebo.

This result greatly strengthens the case for using the dietary supplement during pregnancy, leading to potentially improved neurodevelopment in infants as well as preventing hospitalizations for preterm birth and reducing the associated costs.Prenatal D

“A reduction in early preterm and very low birth weight delivery could have clear clinical and public health significance,” said Susan Carlson, A.J. Rice Professor of Dietetics and Nutrition at the KU Medical Center, who directed the study with John Colombo, KU professor of psychology and director of the Life Span Institute.

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) occurs naturally in cell membranes.  Infants obtain DHA from their mother in utero and postnatally from human milk.  The amount received depends upon the mother’s DHA status.  American women typically consume less DHA than women in most of the developed world.

“We believe that supplementing U.S. women with DHA could safely increase mean birth weight and gestational age to numbers that are closer to other developed countries such as Norway and Australia” said Carlson.

The results are from the first 5-years of a 10-year, double-blind, randomized controlled trial.  Researchers will follow up with the same group of babies to see if DHA supplementation benefits their intelligence.

Product to consider:                                 for availability.

#1021    DHA Omega

#490       EPA-DHA Super


Lack of Folic Acid Linked to Behavioral Problems in Children:

folic acid and kids 

Folate deficiency during pregnancy may be associated with an increase in behavioral problems later in a child’s life while on the other hand, supplementation early in pregnancy may significantly reduce this risk.

Products you may consider:                   for more information

#465       Methyl Folate

#868       Folic Acid

#970       Glycoplex