Astaxanthin is a powerful carotenoid antioxidant which was shown to improve cognition in middle-aged and elderly subjects who complained of age-related memory loss.salmon-human-health-astaxanthin-small

There is so much more that this products does, so if you’re interested drop me a line: for availability..  This particular products is always in my monthly package.

Product to consider:                                            I

#1057    Astaxanthanol


worldofpineappleThe proteolytic enzyme bromelain which is derived from pineapple, has a vast variety of clinically useful properties including the ability to help with inappropriate clotting, fluid retention, inflammation, angina pectoris, bronchitis, sinusitis, surgical trauma, thrombophlebitis, debridement of wound, diarrhea, various cardiovascular disorders, and arthritis.  Bromelain has even been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties.

Products to consider:

#745       Bromezyme

#975       Inflamase

#1029    QB-Zyme Pro


GENTS ON AGINGWe all know that as men age testosterone levels decline.  While this may be a natural and unavoidable phenomenon, the process is not necessarily a good thing.  Low levels of testosterone are linked to a decrease in muscle mass, changes in blood lipids (including cholesterol) and increased bone fragility.

A recent study found that increasing levels of magnesium can effectively increase the hormone production.  This can be enhanced further when the supplementation was combined with exercise.

Product to consider:                 for availability.

#403       Magnezyme


How safe is your turkey ?


The turkey has graced holiday tables since the days of the Pilgrims.  A Thanksgiving dinner wouldn’t be complete  to  most of us without the delectable golden brown with its gravy and dressing.

This bird has become big business and a year-round bestseller.  Over 100 million a year are raised for their meat, about 170 times  the  estimated  population of wild turkeys.  Most of the turkeys are raised on big corporation turkey ranches because it has become economically unfeasible for the small rancher to survive.

Turkey ranchers differ somewhat in their methods of production and the selection of antibiotics and medicines  to be used.  Their first consideration is the approach, which will yield the biggest and most healthy bird with the least investment.  Only in this way can the venture be profitable.  Some ranchers report as little as 5 cents profit per bird, so production costs must be kept at a minimum.safe_turkey

Fortunately, birds of high quality are available.  As with so many foods, knowing the source is the key.

Consider for a moment all the various things that happen to turkeys before they reach our table.

The first step in raising turkeys is the breeder ranch where several  thousand  hens are kept strictly for the purpose of laying the eggs.

The hens are artificially inseminated every 2 weeks.  This process is used because  it increases the fertility rate and also because present day  birds are so large,  that mating is difficult and hazardous.

After the eggs are laid, they are carefully graded according to weight and sent on to the hatchery.  Here they are put into incubators for the 30-days which is necessary to hatch them.

The 1-day-old babies  are sent on to the breeder ranch  for a  growth period of 7 to 8 weeks.

From here they are ready to go to the processing plant, they are 21-28 weeks old.

While this procedure is quite standard, the differences arise in the antibiotics that are added to the feeds and the antibiotic injections that are given.

Turkeys are very susceptible to disease.  For this reason, many turkey ranchers add antibiotics to the feed just as a routine precaution, and give additional injections if diseases strike.Turkey bite

The main antibiotics added to the feed are Terramycin, Aureomycin and bacitracin.

For a continuous feeding program, they are allowed 20 grams per ton.  Larger amounts are allowed for short periods of time to combat disease.

Feeds containing these antibiotics are used by most ranchers.  However, a few still-existing smaller ranchers try to raise the turkeys without the continuous antibiotic use.

Disease prevention and control is not the only reason for the use of the antibiotics.  Scientists have discovered that animals grow faster when they are fed  antibiotics  along with their meals, so, many of the ranchers use feeds that have the added antibiotics as much for a growth stimulant as for a disease prevention.

Since the amount which can be added into the feed is limited by Government regulations, ranchers often counter the disease through the use of injections if the turkeys contract a disease.

.thanksgiving teethThe rancher is allowed to administer antibiotics directly  to the  birds  and  is  expected to abide by the regulations as labeled on the container.  Right – trust the farmer who is now a doctor!

Herein seems to lie the biggest problem in the turkey industry.

While an effort has been made to establish safety limits for the use of the drugs, there is not an adequate inspection.  One might conclude that we must place the ranchers on the “Honor System” where antibiotic injections are concerned.

Periodic checks are made of course, but it would be impossible  to  completely police the use of the drugs.    The  specifications on the containers indicate how much time must lapse after giving the injections before the turkey can be put on the consumer market.

Some ranchers inject the birds only if disease is a problem, other ranchers inject the birds as a matter of course at every stage of the growth period.

The turkey feed is planned carefully for nutritional content.  As one grower quipped,

BUSH-TURKEY“I watch my turkeys’ diet more closely than my own.”

The poults in their first week are fed a pre-starter feed which contains 28% protein.  The formula is changed 6 times during the growth process from the pre-starter feed to the fattening mash.   Always, prime consideration is given to the nutritional value of the feed.  Turkey ranchers know that  healthy, un-diseased birds are the only ones they can be sure to sell.

After the birds are sent to the poultry processing plant,  they are inspected by Federal inspectors.  If the inspection is done carefully, turkeys that are diseased or that have had antibiotics administered too near marketing time can be spotted.

The turkeys are opened up so the inspector can inspect the entrails as well as the turkey.  In this way, most diseases can be quickly spotted.  If there are enough inspectors, to inspect!

The Federal processing plants I checked with use no preservatives in their processing.  Any turkey that has been preserved will be labeled as such.  If they’re not labeled, they have been killed, inspected, chilled and sold as fresh birds, or frozen and sold as frozen.

poisonturkeyThe only question one might raise in regard to the raising and processing of turkeys is in the use of the drugs.  Since every turkey sold for meat can’t be first sent to a lab for analysis, it’s a matter of obvious concern.

Check your source and find a turkey rancher who limits the use of antibiotics to the pre-starter feed.  This is given for just the first week of the turkey’s life and should leave no traces in the meat of the bird.

Better yet, you may be fortunate enough to locate a rancher who specializes in organically raised birds which will be fed carefully, and NOT be given antibiotics at all.  That would assure a happy holiday dinner and further help prevent human reactions.

Purchasing antibiotic and hormone free turkeys are available at most larger grocery  chains or you may go  to any Kosher butcher and be assured that you are getting a safe turkey.

I guess this isn’t the happiest news you’ve received today, but I feel responsible to keep you aware of what’s going on in the health industry, and, turkey can be a great food, that is, if it’s organic, otherwise, you take your chances.   All aside, make this a special time with those you love.

This is the season when we meet up, happily, or unhappily with family – so, plan for events properly – watch the junk – drink lots of clean water – get your rest – and realize that what is important is that you made it to another day to be thankful.   My love to you all!

Dr. Rhonda

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Renal damage and nephropathy are common sequelas of diabetes.  Using the oxidized form of CoQ10 called ubiquinone, researchers were able to mitigate this damage and decrease the likelihood of developing nephropathy by improving mitochondrial function and increasing kidney cell levels of protective antioxidants.kidney2

Product to consider:                 for availability.

#471       CoQ10 Ubiquinol


green teaResearchers have found that oral supplementation of polyphenols extracted from green tea can positively impact skin health by protecting it from the damaging effects of UV radiation.  The green tea based plant compounds perform this function by incorporating themselves into the skin and modulating inflammatory pathways, thereby reducing various markers of inflammation.

Products to consider:               for availability.

#898       Pro-Antho Forte

#73050  Kyo-Green Harvest Blend

#728       Citra-Lean


Retro TV CommercialTrans fats – great for shelf life and for boiling French fries but horrible for  Heart Health– will be banned by the Food and Drug Administration – Finally!

The unhealthy partially hydrogenated oils had been subject of labeling since 2006.  This act alone led to a significant decrease in consumption of trans fats as food manufacturers sought healthier options.  In 2003, the average American intake of trans fats was 4.6 grams per day, according to the FDA, and that number has fallen to about 1 gram per day in 2012.

But trans fats still exist in some processed foods, from baked goods to microwave popcorn, frozen pizza to ready-to-use frosting.  Trans fats also naturally occur in a few foods, such as some meats, and there they will remain.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that a further reduction of trans fat in the food supply can prevent an additional fat-label7,000 deaths from heart disease each year and up to 20,000 heart attacks each year.

Because the mere labeling of trans fats has led food makers to shy away from using it, the biotech industry has taken the hint and put up tens of millions of dollars to oppose labeling of GMO ingredients,.  That strategy has paid off as initiatives in California in 2012 and in Washington state this week both failed to win approval by voters.

The official regulatory death knell was made possible through the GRAS process – trans fats, the agency has declared, are no longer Generally Recognized As Safe.

Heart attack“FDA can act when it believes an ingredient is, in fact, not GRAS.  And that’s what the agency’s preliminary determination is doing now with partially hydrogenated oils,” the agency noted in its statement on Friday, November 8th, 2013.”  A Federal Register notice was published in Nov. 7, 2013, announcing the preliminary determination that PHOs (partially hydrogenated oils) are not GRAS, which includes the opening of a 60-day public comment period.

“If FDA makes a final determination that PHOs are not GRAS, the agency and food industry would have to figure out a way to phase out the use of PHOs over time.  To help address this concern in an appropriate manner, the Federal Register notice calls for comment on how long it would take the food industry to phase out its use of PHOs.”


Studies into the cholesterol-altering properties of trans fats began at the University of Maastricht in Netherlands in 1990.  In a series of studies until 2003, researchers discovered that coronary heart disease risk is reduced most effectively when trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids are replaced with cis unsaturated fatty acids.  The largest reduction was seen with unhydrogenated oils, such as canola, soybean and olive oils.  These studies helped change the scientific and regulatory consensus on trans fats over the course of 2 decades.

nutrition-labelThe trans fats story has been a rare opportunity for food processors to develop and market nutritionally advanced oils.  The key to successful launches has been to maintain both hydrogenation’s ability to extend product shelf life by reducing oxidation as well as its superior structural functionality in finished baked goods.  At the same time, new oils had to eliminate trans fats’ untoward cardiovascular health effects.  As the cost for these oils is as much as double compared to hydrogenated trans fats, expense has also a consideration.

But food science marches on, and consumers have not even noticed the elimination of trans fats in the diet.


folic acid and kidsSupplementing pregnant moms with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA can have a positive effect on the newborn child.  DHA helps increase birth weight while also helping babies complete their gestational life cycle.

Products you may want to consider:    for availability.

#497       EPA-DHA 300

#490       EPA-DHA Super

#1020    EPA-DHA Omega


hot flashesThe first published controlled trial comparing omega-3 fatty acid supplements versus placebo for treatment of menopausal symptoms has come out clearly in favor of the omegas.

Women in this study were between 40-55 years old and had moderate to severe psychological distress, defined as a score of 72 or greater on the Psychological General Well-being Schedule.  Only women with hot flashes were included in this analysis.

A cohort of 120 women was randomly assigned to 8 weeks’ treatment with either placebo or omega-3 fatty acids in the form of 500-mg capsules 3 times per day, with each capsule containing 350 mg of EPA and 50 ng DHA.

The baseline hot flash frequency was 2.8 per day.  After 8 weeks, the hot flash frequency decreased in the omega-3 group by a mean of 1.58 flashes per day, versus a reduction of 0.50 per day in the placebo group.  There was a significant 55% reduction in hot flash frequency in the omega group compared with only a 25% decrease in the placebo group.


Moreover, there was a greater overall responder rate in the omega-3 group, with 58.8% of the women reporting a reduction in flashes, compared with 34.4% of the women on placebo.  However, there was no difference in hot flash severity or quality of life scores between the 2 groups.

A previous randomized study suggested that the addition of an omega-3 fatty acid to an isoflavone supplement could gradually reduce hot flash severity, there was clearly a statistically significant reduction in frequence.  Omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in thermoregulation via their effect on neurotransmitters involved in regulating temperature homeostasis.

Products to consider:                               for availability.

#1020    EPA-DHA Omega (liquid)

#490       EPA-DHA Super (caps)